Police Participate in Spring Street Smart Campaign
Published on April 25, 2022
ARLINGTON, Va. – As part of the Arlington County Police Department’s key initiative of transportation safety, the department is again participating in the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments' Spring Street Smart campaign. This region-wide public safety campaign, which runs until May 22, 2022, focuses on educating drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists about traffic laws and how to safely share our roadways. Through a two-pronged approach of education and enforcement, the campaign aims to reduce the number of traffic related crashes and injuries on our roadways by identifying and changing unsafe behavior patterns among travelers.
RELATED: Vision Zero in Arlington
Street Smart Campaign Kickoff
The Spring 2022 Street Smart Campaign Kickoff media event will take place on Tuesday, April 26 at 10:30 a.m. at 1560 Wilson Boulevard. Directly following the event, officers will conduct high-visibility traffic enforcement at the following locations in Rosslyn:
- Fort Myer Dr. at Fairfax Dr.
- Langston Blvd. at N. Moore St.
Transportation Safety Tips for Travelers
Whether you travel on foot, two wheels or four wheels, share our roadways safely be being a PAL – predictable, alert and lawful.
If you’re driving . . .
- Slow down, drive the speed limit and obey all posted traffic signs and signals.
- Stop for pedestrians in crosswalks.
- Be careful when passing buses or stopped vehicles.
- When turning, yield to people walking and biking.
- Look for bicyclists before opening your door.
- Allow at least 3 feet when passing bikes.
- Avoid using your cell phone and never text while driving.
If you’re walking . . .
- Cross the street at the corner and use marked crosswalks when they’re available.
- Use the pushbuttons and wait for the walk signal to cross the street.
- Watch for turning vehicles.
- Look both ways before crossing the street.
- Stay visible after dark and in bad weather with light-colored clothing, reflective gear and/or lights.
If you’re biking . . .
- Obey posted traffic signs and signals.
- Ride in the same direction as traffic.
- Communicate your intentions by using hand signals.
- Wear a helmet (required for riders 14 years of age or younger, and recommended for all).
- Use headlights and taillights, especially when riding between sunset and sunrise.