ACPD Participates in 2016 Back to School Safety Campaign

Published on August 29, 2016

Arlington, VA - As the 2016-2017 school year begins, the Arlington County Police Department is committed to ensuring the safety of the students, bicyclists and motorists in our neighborhoods. Officers will be conducting high visibility traffic enforcement in and around the school zones throughout Arlington County starting on Tuesday, September 6, 2016.

Drivers are reminded to;

  • Obey speed limits which may change during school zone times.

  • Avoid distracted driving and keep your attention on the road.

  • Watch for students walking and riding bikes to school.

  • Don't pass a stopped school bus loading or unloading passengers.

    • On a two-lane road, vehicles traveling in both directions must stop.

    • On a multi-lane paved across road, vehicles traveling in both directions must stop.

    • On a divided highway, vehicles behind the bust must stop. Vehicles traveling in the opposite direction may proceed with caution.

  • Have all vehicle occupants wear their seatbelts.

Students, bicyclists, and pedestrians are reminded to;

  • Cross the street at marked crosswalks and never against a red light.

  • Look before you cross and follow the direction of school crossing guards.

  • Always walk on designated sidewalks or paths, never along the side of a road.

Arlington County will have variable message boards placed along the roadways reminding citizens of the start of school and to drive safely.  With a little prevention, all drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians can arrive at their destinations in a timely and safe manner.

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