Arlington's "Big Dig" Begins

Published on January 24, 2016

  • Snow Ordinance in Effect

  • Property owners required to clear adjacent sidewalks by noon Mon., Jan. 25

  • County crews out in force

  • Avoid walking in streets

They are calling it "a blizzard for the ages." The snowstorm that hit much of the East Coast has now ended, and Arlingtonians -- along with millions of others along the Eastern Seaboard, are starting to dig out. The County urges residents to stay off the streets -- don't drive on them or walk on them -- while our crews work hard to move the massive amount of snow.

Under the County's Snow Ordinance, all Arlington property owners are required to clear snow and ice from the public sidewalks adjacent to their property by 12:00 p.m.(noon) on Monday, January 25, 2016. Learn more about the County's snow removal ordinance that requires all Arlington property owners to clear snow and ice from public sidewalks adjacent to their property within a designated time period. The ordinance also prohibits transferring or depositing snow and ice from private property onto public property. Individual homeowners who are physically incapable of complying with the Ordinance are exempt.

Here are some things you can do to help us get back to normal quickly:

  • Clear your sidewalks so people don't have to walk in the roads

  • Help other people clear their property and any property essential to getting the community up and running

  • Clear fire hydrants

County snowfighting crews are now in Phase II of their round-the-clock effort to clear streets. Get frequent updates by visiting the County's Snow and Ice Page. And we'll keep updating our Blizzard Update page.

VDOT -- and we -- are asking that everyone:

Road conditions in northern Virginia remain severe

(VDOT Tips) What drivers and residents need to know:

  • Although the storm has ended, roads are still in severe condition. Staying off the roads another day will be essential to snow-clearing operations.

  • Avoid walking in the road for your safety.

  • Check truck progress and your neighborhood status 24/7 at

  • If you are shoveling your driveway, view this video for helpful tips.

Other VDOT resources: