Crime Report: February 10, 2016

Published on February 10, 2016


ATTEMPTED ROBBERY, 160209041, 2900 block of N. Clarendon Boulevard. At approximately 3:28 p.m. on February 9, a male subject blocked the path of two females and demanded their purses. The suspect implied he had a weapon in his jacket. The victims fled and the suspect was later apprehended down the road. Michael William Lewis, 22, of Washington DC, was arrested and charged with attempted robbery. He is being held without bond.


02/09/16, NC DHB7447, 2015 Chevrolet Camaro, White
200 block of S. 23rd Street

02/09/16, MD 57369Y, 2015 Yamaha Zuma Moped, Dark Green
700 block of S. Walter Reed Drive

GRAFFITI, 160208023, 2700 block of S. Lang Street

PETIT LARCENY, 160208053, 700 block of N. Glebe Road

THREATS, 160209011, 800 block of S. Greenbrier Street

CREDIT CARD THEFT, 160209014, 1500 block of N. Arlington Boulevard

EMBEZZLEMENT, 160209019, 800 block of S. Walter Reed Drive

GRAND LARCENY, 160209039, 1100 block of S. Hayes Street

ASSAULT & BATTERY, 160209048, 400 block of S. 23rd Street

GRAND LARCENY, 160209050, 1100 block of S. Hayes Street

ASSAULT & BATTERY, 160209054, 1700 block of N. George Mason Drive

STALKING, 160209057, 3900 block of N. Wilson Boulevard

SIMPLE ASSAULT, 160209062, 5500 block of S. Columbia Pike

PETIT LARCENY, 160210007, 5000 block of Columbia Pike