Crime Report: January 8, 2016
Published on January 08, 2016
REPORTSBANK ROBBERY, 160107023, 1400 block of S. Fern Street. At approximately 10:10 a.m. on January 7, an unknown subject robbed a Wells Fargo bank of an undisclosed amount of money. The subject is described as a black male approximately 5'9" tall. He was wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt, gray sweatpants, a red scarf, glasses, and dark colored gloves.
STRONG ARM ROBBERY, 160107032, 5000 block of S. Columbia Pike. At approximately 12:45 p.m. on January 7, two unknown subjects robbed a CVS of several items. A CVS employee was pushed by the male subject during their getaway. The first suspect is described as a black male in his forties, approximately 6'2" and weighs 200 lbs. He was wearing a black jacket, blue shirt, blue jeans, and had on glasses. The second suspect is described as a black female in her forties, approximately 5'5" and weighed 160 lbs. She was wearing a black jacket and black pants at the time of the incident.
COMMERCIAL BURGLARY, 160107062, 1000 block of N. Glebe Road. At approximately 7:30 p.m. on January 7, an unknown male subject forced entry into a dentist office and allegedly stole cleaning supplies. The suspect is described as a black male in his forties, approximately 6'1" and weighed 250 lbs. He was wearing a black coat, blue jeans, and a green cap at the time of the incident.
CREDIT CARD FRAUD, 160106029, 3800 block of S. Four Mile Run Drive
ATTEMPTED LARCENY FROM AUTO, 160107004, 900 block of N. Emerson Street
TAMPERING, 160107005, 900 block of N. Emerson Street
DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY, 160107007, 6100 block of N. Wilson Boulevard
LARCENY FROM AUTO, 160107013, 3700 block of S. 3
rd Street
IDENTITY THEFT, 160107030, 1400 block of N. Courthouse Road
PETIT LARCENY, 160107036, 2100 block of N. Clarendon Boulevard
GRAND LARCENY, 160107042, 1200 block of S. Hayes Street
LARCENY BY FALSE PRETENSES, 160107044, 2700 block of N. Clarendon Boulevard
GRAND LARCENY, 160107057, 1100 block of S. Hayes Street
ASSAULT & BATTERY, 160107067, 5300 block of N. 37
th Street