Unfiled Juror Questionnaires for 2017 Now Overdue

Published on October 03, 2016

  • Mailed in September to randomly selected Arlington, City of Falls Church registered voters

  • Due within 10 days of receipt — NOW PAST DUE

  • Qualified residents may be summoned for 2017 jury duty

  • Secure, convenient option: complete questionnaire online

The Arlington Circuit Court, which includes the City of Falls Church, is reminding residents who received a juror questionnaire in the mail in September that the form is now past due to be filed with the Circuit Court Clerk's Office. The questionnaires were mailed to randomly selected residents of Arlington and Falls Church. They are used to qualify residents for jury duty during the 2017 calendar year. jury

For more information about jury duty, including a list of individuals who are exempt from serving, visit the jury duty page on the County website.

Steps to follow if you received a juror questionnaire

  • Read the entire questionnaire carefully, front and back, for detailed instructions.

  • Using your candidate ID number printed on the questionnaire, visit the secure juror website to complete and submit the questionnaire online (if using this option, do not place the form in the mail).

  • You may send the completed form via the U.S. Postal Service as instructed in the questionnaire.

  • The questionnaire is not a summons to appear so do not call the Clerk's Office asking to be excused from jury duty.  Excuses will be considered at the time you are actually summoned to serve as a juror.

  • You are required to complete and return the questionnaire within 10 days of receipt. If you misplaced the questionnaire, call 703-228-4399 to locate your candidate ID so you may file online.

  • Failure to respond to the questionnaire may result in you being summoned to Court to complete the form in person.

If you received a juror questionnaire and have not yet filed it as required by state law, you are advised to go to the secure juror website and file the form immediately.