Crime Report: October 20, 2017

Published on October 20, 2017

This report is published every weekday, except County holidays. The information in each report covers significant criminal incidents generally from the day before; reports published on Monday cover the preceding Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Some incidents may appear a day or two after the occurrence.

This report is not a comprehensive list of every police event in Arlington County in the stated time frame. Addresses shown indicate blocks and not specific addresses. For more information on crime in your area, visit our online crime mapping tool.

Note: Information contained in the Daily Crime Report is generally based on initial reports made to the Police Department. Follow-up investigations may reveal different or additional information.


ASSAULT & BATTERY (Significant), 2017-10190011, 1200 block of S. Glebe Road. At approximately 12:46 a.m. on October 19, police were dispatched to the report of trouble unknown. Upon arrival it was determined that after forcing entry into the victim's home, the known suspect contacted the victim requesting he return to the residence. When the victim arrived, the suspect threatened and assaulted him. The victim was able to convince the suspect to leave the residence and a second altercation ensued outside. The suspect fled the scene prior to police arrival. During the course of the investigation, the suspect was located and taken into custody without incident in the 3400 block of Columbia Pike. Scott Duke III, 36, of Arlington, VA, was arrested and charged with Burglary with Intent to Commit Assault and Battery and Strangulation. He was held on no bond.

INDECENT EXPOSURE, 2017-10190099, 1200 block of N. Fillmore Street. At approximately 11:00 a.m. on October 19, police were dispatched to the report of an indecent exposure. Upon arrival it was determined that a male suspect was observed exposing himself outside of a business. William Klugel, 61, of no fixed address was arrested and charged with Indecent Exposure and Drunk in Public. He was held on no bond.

LARCENY, 2017-10190013, 2600 block of Columbia Pike

RECOVERED STOLEN VEHICLE, 2017-10190069, Columbia Pike at S. Diniwddie Street

DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY, 2017-10190092, 3500 block of 23rd Street S.

DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY, 2017-10190116, 1100 block of S. Thomas Street

GRAFFITI, 2017-10190140, 300 block of S. Harrison Street


10/19/17, VA WUA9352, 2000 Dodge Caravan, White

2000 block of N. Kenmore Street


10/19/17, VA VSG7415, 2017 Mercedes C320, White

600 block of N. Randolph Street