Arlington Swears In 12 New Police Officers Following Graduation from

Published on June 21, 2019

session-140-graduation.jpg ARLINGTON, Va. — The Arlington County Police Department welcomed 12 new officers this week, as Session 140 graduated from the Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Training Academy (NVCJA) and took their oath to serve and protect the residents and visitors of Arlington County. Graduation from NVCJA is the first of many milestones in their training process to become solo police officers in Arlington County. The officers will complete local and field training programs before they begin solo patrol in the County.

The new officers who make up Session 140 are representative of the Department's ongoing efforts to recruit and hire a force that is reflective of Arlington's diverse population and are well accomplished in their studies. Officer J. Nelson and Officer T. Fullop were awarded first and third place, respectively, for their achievements of Academic Excellence. Officer T. Fullop was awarded third place in Firearms.

Officer J. Riggs received the Thomas L. Shaw Award, one of NVCJA's highest honors. The award's namesake, Mr. Shaw, worked in criminal justice in the Northern Virginia region for 36 years, more than half of which was in service to NVCJA as the executive director from 1982-2000.  Officer Riggs was selected by NVCJA's Basic Training Staff as the officer who they feel best exhibits the potential to meet standards for professionalism, dedication and leadership, set forth by Mr. Shaw.

About the Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Training Academy (NVCJA)

After being hired by the Department, the new officers began their training at the NVCJA, a regional academy offering high quality, professional training to recruit officers who will go on to serve agencies in Northern Virginia. Recruit officers enrolled in the basic training program complete over 800 hours of training curriculum, which orients them to the diverse day-to-day challenges experienced by law enforcement personnel while on the job. In addition to basic training, NVCJA offers in-service training programs to officers throughout their careers.

What Comes Next for the New Officers

After graduation from the NVCJA, the new officers take part in local training, which reviews the Department's specific policies and procedures, as well as aspects of the job unique to Arlington County. Following local training, the new officers complete the Department's 12-week Field Training Program. During field training, the officers work alongside a Field Training Officer, who is responsible for mentoring, teaching and evaluating them as they begin to apply knowledge gained during basic training at the academy to real world situations they encounter when responding to calls for service. Following successful completion of field training, the officers begin solo patrol.

Starting Your Career with ACPD

The Human Resources Management Section is actively recruiting applicants to join future academy sessions. Being a member of the Arlington County Police Department is much more than a job, it is a passion. The public depends on police officers to protect lives and property. The men and women of the Arlington County Police Department work and live by a set of core values: courage, competence, commitment, compassion, restraint, respect and integrity. Start your career today by visiting