Police Release 2018 Annual Report

Published on April 30, 2019

marine-corps-marathon.jpg ARLINGTON, Va. — The Arlington County Police Department announces the release of the 2018 Annual Report, which showcases the work undertaken by the men and women of this Department in support of our mission to ensure that Arlington County is a safe place to work, live and visit. The report's content focuses on the Department's three key initiatives—crime prevention and control, transportation safety and community engagement—which were adopted in 2016 to guide staff in the delivery of professional law enforcement services. The 2018 Annual Report is reflective of the highlights of each initiative throughout the year.

The Annual Report is the official release of crime statistics by the Department for the preceding year. In 2018, crime continued to trend downwards overall in Arlington County. In this year's report, crime statistics are presented based upon the Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Incident-Based Reporting System format, which differs from the previous reporting system. This reporting format is consistent with how law enforcement data is reported by police agencies to Virginia State Police. The Annual Report provides a snapshot of this data and is reflective of year-end statistics submitted to the State in March. Investigative updates, as well as re-classification of cases, can occur throughout the year, resulting in amendments to the data. The most updated data is accessible on the Virginia State Police website.
Annual Report Highlights

  • Updates on the Strategic Restructure, Recruitment and Retention

  • Annual Crime Statistics — the overall crime rate continued to trend downwards in 2018

  • Annual Traffic Statistics — both bicycle involved crashes and pedestrian-involved crashes decreased in 2018

  • Transportation safety and crime prevention initiatives and program highlights

  • Community outreach event and program highlights

The Arlington County Police Department remains committed to building and maintaining community partnerships and serving the public with duty, honor and commitment each day. We work proactively throughout the year to reduce crime, maintain the safe the and orderly flow of traffic, engage the community and effectively communicate with those we serve. By continuing to build upon community partnerships and working collaboratively with the community, we can continue to ensure that Arlington remains a safe and vibrant community, where all people can live safely.

