TRAFFIC ALERT: 2019 Jamestown Elementary School 5K

Published on May 03, 2019

newsroom-header-1.png ARLINGTON, Va. — The 2019 Jamestown Elementary 5K race will take place on Saturday, May 4th, 2019. The Arlington County Police Department will close several roadways from approximately 7:30 AM until 9:30 AM in the following locations to accommodate the event:

  • The 3700 block of N. Delaware St.

  • N. 36th Street, between N. Dickerson St. and Williamsburg Blvd.

  • N. Dickerson Street, from N. 36th St. to Old Dominion Dr.

  • Williamsburg Blvd., between N. 33rd Rd. and N. 36th St.

  • N. Delaware St., between N. 35th St. and N. 36th St.

  • N. Dinwiddie St., between N. 35th St. and N. 36th St.

Additional temporary road closures will be necessary as the race moves throughout the neighborhood.  Residents of the affected areas will be escorted by police through the traffic closures to minimize the impact on the community.  All roads should be reopened by 9:30 AM.

Residents are asked to park their vehicles in driveways when possible, allowing for runners to maneuver more easily through residential streets and resulting in a quicker return to normal traffic conditions.   Motorists are reminded to pay attention to police direction for the safety of the race participants.