Board Approves Edison Park Renovation Contract

Published on February 22, 2020

The Arlington County Board today approved a contract with Crown Construction Service, Inc. to upgrade heavily-used Edison Park with new playgrounds and other amenities.

"Arlington's parks and open spaces are vital to the health of our community," Arlington County Board Chair Libby Garvey said. "In recent years, the County has made substantial investments in parks across Arlington, replacing aging playgrounds, improving accessibility and stormwater infrastructure and upgrading amenities. Many of these projects, like this one, come to us through the Neighborhood Conservation Program, an avenue for neighborhoods to propose priority projects."

The renovations of the 0.9-acre park were approved as a Neighborhood Conservation project for the Arlington Forest neighborhood. The project includes replacing the existing play area with two new play areas, one for children aged two to five, and the other for children aged five to 12.

New furniture and fencing will be installed along with ramps, railings, and walls, to improve accessibility from the street and to the park trail. Native plants will be added, and stormwater management improved.

The Board voted unanimously to approve the approximately $904,000 contract. To read the staff report, visit the County website. Scroll to Item No. 12 on the agenda for the Saturday, February 22, 2020, Regular County Board Meeting.

Staff worked with the community to design the improvements to complement the park's existing amenities. Funding for the project will come from voter-approved Neighborhood Conservation bonds, and the contract was awarded through a competitive bidding process. Construction is expected to begin this spring and be completed by the end of the year.