County Board Approves Process to Choose New Logo
Published on December 16, 2020
The Arlington County Board has approved a six-month community process to select a single new logo for County Government by the Board's June 2021 Regular Meeting.
The Board adopted the County Manager's recommendations for the process at its Tuesday, December 15 Recessed Meeting.
"The process endorsed by the Board will broadly engage our community in choosing a replacement for Arlington House as Arlington's visual identity," Arlington County Board Chair Libby Garvey said. "The outcome will be a new logo that reflects our community's values and aspirations -- a visual identity that better represents Arlington."
The Board voted 4-0 to approve the process and timeline. Board Member Katie Cristol is on medical leave. To read the staff report, including criteria for submissions of suggested logo designs, view the "Draft Plan for Developing a New Arlington County Logo" under County Manager Reports on the agenda for the
Tuesday, December 15 2020 Recessed County Board Meeting.The Manager is seeking applications now through Wednesday, January 13 from community members interested in serving on the Logo Review Panel. He will appoint nine-to-eleven members who will represent a broad range of perspectives and experiences, including diversity in race, ethnicity, age, ability, and geography, and representation from the business community. The panel will solicit design concepts from the community in February that it will narrow to three-to-five concepts. Working with a design firm, the panel will "professionalize" those concepts before asking the community to rank order them. Visit the County's
Engage Arlington page for more information.
The Board will make its final selection of the new logo and consider a timeline for replacing the existing logo and County seal with the new logo, at its June 2021 Regular Board Meeting.
View the
application for the logo review panel.
To read the staff report, including criteria for submissions of suggested logo designs, view the "Draft Plan for Developing a New Arlington County Logo" under County Manager Reports on the agenda for the
Tuesday, December 15 2020 Recessed County Board Meeting.Seeking public comment on proposed renaming policy, process
The Manager also is seeking community comment on a proposed policy and process for renaming County parks facilities and streets that he presented to the Board at the Recessed Meeting. The goal is to create one policy and associated criteria for naming and renaming County parks, facilities, and streets. Online comments may be submitted on the County's
Engage Arlington page through January. The Board will hold a public hearing and consider adopting the proposed process at its January 2021 meeting.
To view the staff report on this item, go to the "Proposed Policy/Process for Renaming County Parks, Facilities, Streets" item under County Manager Reports on the agenda for the
Tuesday, December 15 2020 Recessed County Board Meeting.