Crime Report: February 10, 2023

Published on February 10, 2023

This report is published every weekday, except County holidays. The information in each report covers significant criminal incidents generally from the day before; reports published on Monday cover the preceding Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Some incidents may appear a day or two after the occurrence. This report is not a comprehensive list of every police event in Arlington County in the stated time frame. Addresses shown indicate blocks and not specific addresses. For more information on crime in your area, visit our online crime mapping tool.

Note: Information contained in the Daily Crime Report is generally based on initial reports made to the Police Department. Follow-up investigations may reveal different or additional information. All individuals arrested or charged with a crime are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law and charges may be amended during the court proceedings. For case status information, visit Virginia’s Judicial System website.


BURGLARY (Late), 2023-02090188, 1500 block of Key Boulevard. At approximately 2:37 p.m. on February 9, police were dispatched to the late report of a breaking and entering. Upon arrival, it was determined the unknown suspect(s) entered into the business, rummaged through items and stole collectables. There is no suspect(s) description. The investigation is ongoing.

UNLAWFUL ENTRY, 2023-02100054, 1300 block of N. Stafford Street. At approximately 4:15 a.m. on February 10, police were dispatched to the report of a burglary alarm. A lookout was broadcast and responding officers located the suspect in the area and took him into custody without incident. The investigation determined the male suspect allegedly forced entry into the school, causing damage to one of the door’s glass windows. No items were reported stolen and no other items were reported damaged. Ian Ohara, 30, of Arlington, Va., was arrested and charged with Trespass: School/Church Property, Destruction of Property, and issued a summons for Drunk in Public. He was held on a secured bond.

ASSAULT & BATTERY, 2023-02090107, 500 block of N. Quincy Street

LARCENY, 2023-02090117, 2000 block of N. Courthouse Road

LARCENY, 2023-02090126, 1100 block of S. Joyce Street

LARCENY, 2023-02090140, 1200 block of S. Hayes Street

LARCENY, 2023-02090149, 1500 block of Wilson Boulevard

LARCENY, 2023-02090200, 1000 block of S. Hayes Street

EXTORTION, 2023-02090207, 1100 block of N. Ivanhoe Street

LARCENY, 2023-02090210, 4000 block of 5th Road N.

LARCENY, 2023-02090295, 400 block of 23rd Street S.

ASSAULT & BATTERY, 2023-02100035, Clarendon Boulevard at N. Highland Street

LARCENY, 2023-02100041, 4200 block of Fairfax Drive


02/09/23, VA UBC9803, 2007 Ford F150, Blue
4000 block of 10th Street S.

02/09/23, VA WWJ4442, 2013 Hyundai Elantra, Silver
1700 block of Arlington Boulevard


LARCENY, 2023-02094001, 5900 block of 5th Street N.

LARCENY, 2023-02094002, 2500 block of 20th Road N.

LARCENY, 2023-02094003, 4600 block of 3rd Street S.

DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY, 2022-02094004, 1300 block of S. Quincy Street

DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY, 2023-02094005, 1300 block of S. Glebe Road

LARCENY, 2023-02094006, 2300 block of Washington Boulevard

FRAUD, 2023-02094008, 3400 block of S. Wakefield Street

IDENTITY THEFT, 2023-02094010, 1400 block of S. Eads Street

HARASSMENT, 2023-02094012, 700 block of 12th Street S.

VEHICLE TAMPERING, 2023-02094014, 3100 block of N. Oakland Street

VEHICLE TAMPERING, 2023-02094015, 4000 block of 35th Street N.

FRAUD, 2023-02094017, 2300 block of 24th Road S.

SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES, 2023-02104001, 2000 block of Clarendon Boulevard

SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES, 2023-02104004, 5200 block of 32nd Street N.

FRAUD, 2023-02104005, 2600 block of Arlington Boulevard

FRAUD, 2023-02104006, 6400 block of 22nd Street N.

LARCENY FROM AUTO, 2023-02104007, 3400 block of 13th Street N.

LARCENY FROM AUTO, 2023-02104009, 4200 block of 2nd Road N.