Arlington County Board Wrap-up for the December 2024 Meetings

Published on December 20, 2024

The Arlington County Board considered and acted on many items at its Saturday and Tuesday December 2024 Board meetings. These include the following:

Saturday, December 14, 2024 – Regular County Board Meeting

Item 25 – Gateway Park Master Plan and Design Guidelines
The County Board adopted a Master Plan and Design Guidelines (PMP & DG) for Gateway Park, an existing approximately 3.7-acre park, located in Rosslyn, just south of the Key Bridge connecting Arlington County with Washington D.C. The PMP & DG aims to preserve Gateway Park’s historical strengths while adding new features that will attract a diverse range of users. The proposed park amenities include, but are not limited to:

  • A new pedestrian bridge over North Fort Myer Drive;
  • A dog park with areas for small and large dogs;
  • Garden rooms that could be used for working outside, meetings, performances, fitness, public art, or other activities;
  • Woodland play areas for young (two – five years old) and older (five – twelve years old) children;
  • An event pavilion that could be used for both special events and casual use;
  • A flexible lawn area for events and recreation;
  • Tree planting and landscaping; and,
  • Support facilities such as restrooms and storage space.

The final concept for Gateway Park is in alignment with the tree canopy coverage in County-owned Parks (Action 1.1.1.) and increasing the number of native tree species (Action 1.1.2) goals of the Forestry and Natural Resources Plan. The PMP & DG increases tree canopy coverage from around 10% to 46% and introduces native tree species from a variety of local climates. Additionally, two mature Sycamore trees in the northeast corner of the park have been identified to be preserved.

While there is no immediate fiscal impact associated with the adoption of the PMP and DG, the total project budget for Gateway Park is $31.085 million for planning, design, and construction. The developer contributions ($18.45 million) are made up of $5 million from the Holiday Inn Development community benefits package and $13.95 million from the CoStar agreement. Lastly, there is an additional $1 million for park construction as part of a partnership with the Rosslyn BID and other private stakeholders.

Read the press release to learn more.

Item 26 - Stormwater Credit Utility Program Amendment
The Board also adopted an amendment to Chapter 26 of the Arlington County Code related to the stormwater utility credit program. The amendment modifies the definitions of two credit types to expand the permeable driveway credit to include other permeable surfaces and to expand the rainwater collection credit to include redirection of rainwater to underground features.

The County’s stormwater credit program was adopted by the County Board on April 22, 2023, for the stormwater utility. Credits are earned in the calendar year prior to being reflected on the installment property tax bills. For example, credits earned for actions taken in CY 2024 will be reflected on bills received in CY 2025. Credits are awarded on an annual basis, with the reduction to the stormwater fee applied half to the first bill installment (typically due June 15) and the other half applied to the second bill installment bill (typically due October 5).

Read the press release to learn more.

Item 27 – Legislative Package
The County Board also adopted the 2025 State General Assembly Legislative Package. The package outlines the County’s priorities for the 2025 Virginia General Assembly Session focused on education and youth, human services, housing and land use, finance, transportation, economic development, criminal justice reform, general government, public safety/emergencies, and energy, environment, and climate change. The specific priorities reflect broader principles, such as ensuring state government fully funds commitments to local government, expeditiously implementing and funding the JLARC K-12 education study, strengthening workforce resiliency, and acknowledging the emerging field of artificial intelligence.

Item 28 – Trespass Towing Ordinance Amendments
The Board also adopted amendments to the County’s trespass towing ordinance (Chapter 14.3 of Arlington County Code), with an effective date of March 1, 2025. The adopted changes include:

  • Increasing the “Drop Fee” from $10 to $20;
  • Implementing a permitting system with an appeal process;
  • Requiring a 48 hours notice to vehicle owners before removal from a multifamily lot based on an expired registration or inspection sticker;
  • Implementing regulations for truck signage, smart payment evidence, and timing of load securement; and
  • Clarifying requirements around vehicle release, receipt production, and photographs.

After a discussion and amendments to the main motion, the Board voted not to approve two of the recommendations in this item: an additional $20 fuel surcharge for each tow until July 1, 2025, as this surcharge is already in effect via state code, and an increase to the maximum base towing fee from $135 to $150.  

March 1, 2025, implementation is based on two needs. The first is to hire and train the position of “towing coordinator” – the civilian position that will handle permitting, the complaint intake processes, and other towing-related efforts associated with this role. The second is the time required to implement additional software for permitting.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024 – Recessed County Board Meeting

Item 3 - American Legion Post Use Permit Review
The County Board held a use permit review for American Legion Post 139, located within the ground floor of the Terwilliger Place apartment building at 3445 Washington Boulevard. The recommendation was to renew this use permit with no further scheduled County Board review.

After deliberation, and a friendly amendment, the Board voted to renew the use permit but with a one year (December 2025) administrative review for the purpose of monitoring compliance with the approved use permit conditions.

Item 7 - Snouts and Stouts Use Permit Review
The Board also approved a use permit for live entertainment at Snouts and Stouts, located at 2709 S. Oakland St. The County Board will review this use permit again in 6 months (June 2025) to allow for necessary permits and inspections concerning a canine swimming pool to be obtained and to monitor compliance. An administrative review will be conducted in three years (December 2027) followed by another County Board review in five years.

Item 8 - Tyndale Christian School Use Permit Review
The County Board held a use permit review for a private school (Tyndale Christian School, located at 712 and 716 N. Barton St.) for up to 40 students. The recommendation was to renew the use permit, subject to the previously approved conditions of the use permit, with a County Board review in one month (January 2025) to allow the Board to simultaneously consider a request by the school to increase the cap on students to 80.

After deliberation, and a friendly amendment, the County Board approved the use permit with a County Board review in one year (December 2025). The request to increase the cap on students from 40 to 80 will still be heard in January 2025.

Budget Guidance
The Board directed the County Manager to prepare a balanced FY 2026 budget that ensures stability, efficiency and quality in mission-critical functions of local government, reflects community values, is responsive to the needs of our most vulnerable residents, and values the County’s public employees. Acknowledging the significant economic risks and the uncertainty of declining office property values and changes in the federal administration, the guidance directs that the budget should prioritize fiscal resiliency and reduce adverse impacts on taxpayers.

The Board also directed the Manager to:

  • Fully fund collective bargaining agreements. For employees who are not covered by a bargaining unit, present compensation proposals that are consistent with the County’s Total Compensation Philosophy;

  • Include funding and/or present funding options for the following affordable housing priorities and social safety net priorities;  

  • Provide funding to Arlington Public Schools consistent with the Principle of Revenue Sharing and apply the County/School revenue allocation reflected in the FY 2025 adopted budget (53.2% County/46.8% Schools);

  • Provide programmatic updates on several priorities as part of the proposed FY 2026 Budget, including: Childcare, Climate Resilience, Economic resiliency, Equity Resolution implementation, Vision Zero implementation, and Youth Well-being and After-school programming;  

  • Include updated outcome and performance measures, where meaningful and feasible, in the budget narrative;

  • Provide in the proposed budget and/or at the relevant departmental work session an estimate of the impact of significant additions, reductions or restructuring to programmatic outcomes and performance as well as considerations of impacts for equity and climate resilience.

Let us know how you think the County should prioritize its FY 2026 spending.

Registering to Speak at future Public Hearings
Registration to speak on an item with a scheduled public hearing opens approximately a week before the meeting, and members of the public can either register online or call in at 703-228-3130. Those wanting to participate in these hearings can do so in person, virtually, or by phone and will receive instructions on these options once they have completed their registration. Members of the public wanting to speak on a Consent Agenda item may do so by notifying the County Board Office before 9 AM at Regular Meetings to request the item be pulled from the agenda. Members of the public may then register to speak on pulled agenda items at the upcoming Tuesday Recessed meeting. Agendas will note which consent agenda items are subject to public hearing requirements and which require Board member consent to be removed.

Members of the public are also strongly encouraged to subscribe to the County Board's News and Updates service to be alerted when meeting agendas are posted. Board meeting and agenda information can be accessed on the County Board's webpage.

Visit 2024 County Board Meeting and Procedures on the County website to Learn More.