June 2024 County Board Meeting Agenda Highlights

Published on June 10, 2024

The Arlington County Board will consider and act on dozens of items at its Regular Board Meeting on Saturday, June 15, 2024, at 8:30 a.m., and its Recessed Meeting on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.  

The meetings, held in the County Board Room on the third floor of 2100 Clarendon Blvd., are open to the public. Visit the County website for information on speaking at a County Board Meeting. 

Virtual participation options are available to the public through Microsoft Teams.  If you are sick or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, please consider watching the meeting's live webcast or cable broadcast or participating virtually via Microsoft Teams. More information on how to participate or watch virtually is provided below. 

Comment on Agenda Items and Speak at the Meeting
Send your written comments on agenda items to the County Board at CountyBoard@arlingtonva.us. All comments received by the Board are made part of the public record and are before the Board members as they consider items. 

If you wish to comment during the Public Comment period at the start of the Regular Hearing or on a Regular Public Hearing Item, register in advance on the County Board website, where you can also find more details on public participation in virtual Board Meetings, or call the Board Office at 703-228-3130 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday. Online Registration opens once the agenda for the meeting is posted, approximately one week before the meeting. In-person registration is also available on the day of the meetings.  

Watch it Live
County Board meetings are live-streamed on the County website and on YouTube and broadcast live on Arlington TV, the County's cable channel, with live captioning on Comcast 25 & 1085 (HD) and Verizon FiOS 39 & 40. Videos of Board meetings are archived on the County website (with captions and staff reports) and on YouTube.

Saturday, June 15, 2024 – Regular County Board Meeting  

Virginia Hospital Center SP#177 Site Plan Amendment – Item 36
The County Board will also consider approving minor site plan amendments to Site Plan #177 regarding the Virginia Hospital Center (VHC), permitting approximately 17,015 square feet of building additions to accommodate expansions of the Emergency Department, Cardiac Cathlab, Intensive Care Unit, and mechanical areas. These additions will primarily be in the “Tower” building on the southeast corner of the site where the applicant is requesting to expand the corner of the building by adding three levels on top of the structure and pushing out the façade of the ground floor within a portion of the existing overhang area. The applicant is also requesting to permanently expand the Central Sterile Processing Center into a portion of the VHC “Gold” garage, eliminating nine parking spaces. The Board will also review the status and implementation of the adolescent and adult intensive outpatient behavioral health programs required by conditions of the site plan.

Solid Waste Management Plan/Zero Waste Plan – Item 37
The County Board will consider adopting the proposed 2024 Arlington County Solid Waste Management Plan/Zero Waste Plan. In 2001, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality required every city, county, or town in the Commonwealth to develop and maintain a Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP) covering 20-year planning horizons. The County adopted its current SWMP in 2004. This new draft plan would replace the 2004 plan and covers the next 20-year planning horizon.  

The proposed plan contains two major components:

  • DEQ Regulatory Requirements: The first section of the document is structured to meet State requirements for solid waste planning. This includes the County’s waste management strategy for the next 20 years; goals, objectives, and an implementation schedule; how the County plans to meet state-mandated minimum recycling requirements; a strategy for public education; updated demographic and waste generation projections; and a funding strategy for solid waste programs.

  • Voluntary Initiatives: In addition to the state-mandated elements, the County identified 19 additional program and policy areas to potentially pursue over the next twenty years to progress toward the 90 % waste diversion goal. These voluntary programs and policies have been categorized by those recommended for consideration within the initial 5 years after plan adoption, and those recommended for consideration during the following 15 years.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 – Recessed County Board Meeting 

The Recessed Meeting will begin at 3 p.m. with reports from the Board Members and the County Manager. 

Public Hearings

The Board will hold a public hearing no earlier than 6:30 p.m. and consider items pulled from the Saturday Consent Agenda. Regular public hearings will be held after carryover Consent Agenda items are considered.   

View the agenda and staff reports (Note: some reports are posted closer to the meeting date).  

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