Engage Arlington


Current Engagement Opportunities


Route 1 Multimodal Improvements Study – Virtual Public Information Meeting (Jan. 14)The Virginia Department of Transportation will host this meeting for the public to learn and ask questions about the final recommendations in Phase 2 of this study, which identifies enhanced multimodal connectivity along Route 1 (from 12th to 23rd Streets South) to meet the changing transportation needs of Crystal City and Pentagon City.

Crystal City to Reagan National Airport Multimodal Connection (CC2DCA) – Design Priorities Public Open House (Jan. 25)The CC2DCA project team has reached the design phase and is kicking off public engagement by asking for your design priorities for the corridor at an in-person open house. The concept design will be informed by your feedback, alongside Board-adopted plans and policies, state and federal requirements, related planning documents and key stakeholder input.

Understanding the Needs of Veterans and Service Members in ArlingtonArlington County’s Military and Veterans Advisory Committee (MVAC) is interested in hearing from members of the military, veterans, and their families who live and/or work in Arlington about types of programs, services, and resources that could be helpful. Click here to participate so that we can explore programs and services that may better serve our Veteran and Active Military Community.

Safe Homes, Safe Relationships - Feedback Form in English or español: Share your feedback with Project PEACE on any experience you may have been using, looking for, or if you are referring people to resources for those impacted by domestic/intimate partner violence and sexual assault in Arlington County. Your feedback is confidential. Results will help enhance and improve services for everyone in the county. 


Sarah Tracey
Director of Public Engagement
Office of Communications & Public Engagement