New Tools for Advancing Racial Equity in Arlington Published on May 12, 2021 The collection of neighborhood toolkits and data dashboards are products of the County's Realizing Arlington's Commitment to Equity (RACE) program. Tagged as: , Census, Archive
Census 2020: Thank You, Arlington! Published on October 23, 2020 Arlington is thrilled to report that as of October 15, an estimated 99.98% of Arlington households had been counted in the 2020 Census! Tagged as: , Archive, Census
Censo 2020: ¡Aún está a tiempo para hacer el censo! Published on October 15, 2020 El censo de 2020 está programado para terminar el 15 de octubre. Tagged as: , Archive, Census
Census 2020: There Is Still Time to Take the Census! Published on October 08, 2020 This is an archived article from Arlington County Government. Tagged as: , Archive, Census
What the 1920 Census Tells Us About Arlington 100 Years Ago & Today Published on September 30, 2020 By County Manager Mark Schwartz — a first-person story that travels back 100 years to study Arlington's 1920 census data. Tagged as: , 100 Years, Census, News Article, Archive
Census 2020: Celebrating 100 Years of Arlington History Published on September 25, 2020 County Manager Mark Schwartz will share insights into the 1920 Census data and reflect on the changes in Arlington over the last century. Tagged as: , 100 Years, Census, Archive
Censo 2020: datos que nos ayudan a estar preparados Published on September 14, 2020 El Día Nacional de Servicio y Conmemoración y el Mes Nacional de Preparación son recordatorios de la importancia continua de los servicios de emergencia. Tagged as: , Archive, Census, Emergency Management
Census 2020: Data That Help Us Stay Prepared Published on September 11, 2020 Completing the 2020 Census is a civic action that you can take to directly impact emergency services and preparedness in your community. Tagged as: , Archive, Census, Emergency Management
Census 2020: What the Census Tells Us About the Workforce Published on September 04, 2020 The Census is an important metric for understanding and tailoring policies to the County's workforce and economy. Tagged as: , Archive, Census, News Article
Día de la Igualdad de la Mujer: un recordatorio para responder al Cen Published on August 31, 2020 La votación y el Censo son acciones cívicas intrincadamente vinculadas: ambas son una forma de hacer oír su voz y dar forma a su comunidad. Tagged as: , Archive, Census