Payment Options


You can view your current tax account status, file your returns, and make online payments using the Customer Assessment and Payment Portal (CAPP). Through CAPP, customers can also: 

  • Pay utilities and parking tickets
  • Sign up for the email Billpayer Notification Service
  • View assessment and payment history
  • Set up automatic payments for your accounts, at no charge, through the Automatic Bank Debit (ABD) Program

CAPP accepts online payments made with credit or debit card, PayPal, PayPal Credit, Venmo, Google Pay, ApplePay, or e-Check. E-Check payments are free of charge.

Credit Card Fees: We offer the option of paying with credit or debit card, PayPal, PayPal Credit, Venmo, Google Pay, or ApplePay as a convenience to those customers who wish to do so. However, these transactions have a cost—sometimes a substantial one. Credit and debit card payments on CAPP are subject to a 2.35% convenience fee, charged directly to you by our service provider.  So, while we accept credit cards as a convenience to those customers who wish to use them, those customers must bear the cost of doing so.  Retail merchants are able to absorb this credit card cost and pass it on by increasing the price of their goods and services.  If the convenience fees were absorbed by the County, however, at a minimum, it would cost millions of dollars annually, which would be borne by increasing taxes for everyone.  What’s more, were these charges not passed on to the consumer, many more people would choose to pay by credit card larger and larger amounts, resulting in an ever-increasing expense for the County.

It is important to note that customers using credit cards pay the convenience fee directly to the credit card processor.  Arlington County does not receive any portion of the fee. 


Sign up to have your taxes (real estate, personal property) and/or utilities fees automatically paid from your savings or checking account. There is no charge for this service. To enroll your accounts in ABD, log in to your CAPP profile and click on “Manage Automatic Payments.” We will automatically debit your designated bank account. If you do not have internet access, please call 703-228-4000 for assistance.

For real estate tax payments, you can choose from two ABD options:

Payments on the due date:  The full tax installment amount transfers from your designated bank account no earlier than the June 15 and October 5 due dates.  Approximately one month prior to these due dates, you will receive a debit notice indicating the automatic deduction amount from your bank account.

Monthly payments:   A prorated amount of your tax bill transfers from your designated bank account no earlier than the 5th of each month so that the total transfers, as of October 5, equal the total annual bill amount.  For the transfers to begin on schedule, you must respond by June 1 for payment of the second installment, or by October 1 for the first installment.  With ABD enrollment, you’ll receive a debit notice each year, at the beginning of May, indicating the new monthly automatic deduction amount from your bank account.

To learn more, read the Automatic Bank Debit Program Information(PDF, 561KB)


Call 888-272-9829 to pay your County utility bills and parking tickets over the phone with a credit card. (Note: Credit Card Fees: The County adds to the total transaction sum a 2.5 percent fee — or a $1 minimum — imposed by the service provider.  Read more here.) Visa cards are not accepted for utility payments over the phone.

When you call, enter:

  • 1000 for the jurisdiction code
  • 3 to pay a parking violation
  • 3 to pay a utility bill (Visa not accepted)
  • The bill or ticket number
  • The payment amount
  • Your credit card number
  • Your credit card expiration date


Mail a check or money order, payable to the Arlington County Treasurer, to pay your tax bills, utility bills, parking tickets and other fees.

Send your payments to:

Arlington County Treasurer
PO Box 1754
Merrifield, VA 22116-1754

Your mailed payment must have a U.S. postmark on or before the due date to avoid late charges, except for utility bills, which the County must receive within 30 days of the billing date. Note: The Treasurer’s Office does not accept postdated checks (checks written with a future date) for future processing; however, you can set up a future payment through an online CAPP profile.

Call 703-228-4000 for help with CAPP future payments.


We are located at 2100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 215.  Our office hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., and we welcome you to pay your taxes and fees with a credit card, debit card, check, money order or cash.

  • Credit card payments are subject to a convenience fee, charged directly to you by our service provider.
  • Pin-based debit card transactions do not incur any fees.
  • The Treasurer's Office does not accept gift cards.
  • Zone parking permit transactions do not incur any fees.
  • Acceptable payment methods for vehicle boot and tow fees — and their related parking tickets — include cash, certified funds and debit cards (no credit cards).
  • The Treasurer’s Office does not accept postdated checks (checks written with a future date on them) for future processing.
  • If you are paying in person with cash, please be aware of our Coin Acceptance Policy(PDF, 159KB).


Place a copy of your bill in an envelope with your check or money order and drop them in the 24-hour Treasurer’s Office drop box (one is located in the 2400 block of Clarendon Boulevard, on the driver’s side, near the corner of North Adams Street; the other is opposite the CVS, next to the library book-drop on the County building at 2100 Clarendon Blvd.).

  • You must not deposit cash in the drop box.
  • For bill payments to be considered on time, you can deposit them by midnight before the bill’s due date — except for utility bills, which the County must receive within 30 days of the billing date.
  • The Treasurer’s Office does not accept postdated checks (checks written with a future date) for future processing.

Drop-Box Location and Circled(JPG, 874KB)

Drop_Box_Window(JPG, 803KB)