Chesapeake Bay Ordinance Review Committee (CBORC)


The Chesapeake Bay Ordinance Review Committee (CBORC) reviews requests for exceptions to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance(Chapter 61, Arlington County Code). Development projects in Resource Protection Areas (RPAs) may require an exception in order to receive a Land Disturbing Activity permit. The Committee is composed of 5 Arlington County citizens representing the environmental and development communities.

Exception Request Hearings

CBORC meets as needed to hear exception requests, typically, 2-3 times per year.

Schedule, Agendas and Summaries

Recent Hearings

2643 North Upshur St.

Frequently Asked Questions

What projects require an exception?

Projects that would add a detached building like a garage in the RPA or tear-downs where the replacement structure is larger and located closer to a stream typically require an exception. Property owners considering RPA projects should consult with County staff early in project planning to identify whether or not an exception is required.

If my project needs an exception, how long will that take?

Obtaining a CBORC exception requires a public hearing, and typically adds approximately 8 weeks to the time needed to permit a project. The public hearing is most frequently held following the first plan review submission, but prior to the second submission.  For site plans and use permits requiring County Board approval, the CBORC exception hearing is typically held prior to the County Board hearing.

Is public notification required for hearings?

Yes. The project plan and County staff report for the exception request must be available for public review for 10 business days prior to the hearing. Notifications must be sent to adjacent property owners, the civic association where the property is located, and the Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Council (NCAC) representative (if applicable) by certified mail return receipt at least 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the public review period.

What does the Committee consider during its review?

The Committee reviews the potential water quality impacts of each project along with tree planting, stormwater treatment and other measures proposed to mitigate impacts. They also consider whether the exception requested is necessary and ensure that the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance is administered equitably and fairly.  Members conduct a visit to the project location and review the project plan and a County staff report. The applicant also has the opportunity to make a presentation at the public hearing.

CBORC Members

Member Name Appointment Status Appointment Ends
Carolyn White, CHAIR Current December 31, 2025
Caroline Haynes Current December 31, 2024
Mark Greenwood (C2E2 Representative) Current September, 2024
Gary Kirkbride Current December 31, 2025
 Jeremy Meltzer Current March 1, 2024

Member Qualifications

Committee members may be County staff, residents of Arlington or persons doing business in Arlington knowledgeable about development policies or the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance. One member represent the County’s Energy Conservation and Environment Committee. The Committee’ s five to nine members serve individual terms of up to four years, but may be reappointed for additional terms.