Form Based Code Advisory Working Group (FBC AWG) Past Meetings


Date & Agenda Location Topics & Materials

Wed. April 26 at 7:00 p.m.

Click here to view the recording



Wed. May 10 at 7:00 p.m.

Click here to view the recording


Wed. June 14 at 7:00 p.m.

Click here to view the recording



Wed. July 26 at 7:00 p.m. Canceled Canceled
No August Meeting --- ---
Wed. September 20 at 7:00 p.m. Canceled Canceled

Wed. October 18 at 7:00 p.m.

Click here to view the recording


Wed. November 15 at 7:00 p.m.

Click here to view the recording
Virtual Agenda
Wed. December 13 at 7:00 p.m. Canceled Canceled


Date & Agenda Location Topics & Materials

February 16

View meeting recording
March 9 Canceled
April 13 Canceled

May 11

View meeting recording

June 15

View meeting recording

July 13

View meeting recording

September 14 Canceled
October 12 Canceled

November 9

View meeting recording

3401 Columbia Pike

December 14

View meeting recording

Barcroft Master Financing and Development Plan




Date Agenda & Summary Documents & Meeting Materials
Feb. 5
  • N-FBC Affordable Housing Amendments:
    • Area Median Income (AMI) Limits for Affordable Ownership Units
    • Cash contribution for commercial uses
March 4 Canceled
April 1 Canceled
May 13 Canceled
June 10 Canceled
July 1 Canceled
August – No Meeting
Sept. 9 at 7 p.m.

View meeting recording

  • General Updates
  • 843 S. Greenbrier St. – Merion Pike West
    • Neighborhoods FBC Map Amendment – Western Subarea Regulating Plan (Future Planned Streets
    • Review of N-FBC Redevelopment Proposal for Merion Pike West
Oct. 14 Canceled
Nov. 11 Canceled
Dec. 17

View meeting recording

  • General Updates
  • N-FBC Text Amendment
    • Transfer of Development Rights Multiplier Reinstatement


Date Agenda & Summary Documents & Meeting Materials
Jan. 9
  1. Planning Work Completed in 2018
  2. Development Updates
  3. 2019 Work Plan
  4. Major Use Permit Amendment to Village Center (Centro) project
Feb. 6 Meeting canceled
Mar. 13 Meeting canceled
Apr. 3 Meeting canceled
May 22 Meeting canceled
Jun. 12 FBC Redevelopment Updates and Review of Westmont Shopping Center FBC Proposal FBC Development Updates:

Westmont Shopping Center FBC Proposal:

July 24 N-FBC Amendments:
  • R-District Setback Text Amendment
  • Proposed Map Amendment – Western Subarea Regulating Plan, Future Planned Streets
R-District Setback Text Amendment

Map Amendment -Western Subarea Regulating Plan, Future Planned Streets

Sept. 18 Meeting canceled
Oct. 23 Meeting canceled
Nov. 13 Meeting canceled
Dec. 11 Review of Arlington View Terrace N-FBC ProposalFBC Development Updates Arlington View Terrace N-FBC Proposal:

FBC Development Updates:

Commercial Market Study


Date Agenda & Summary Documents & Meeting Materials
Dec. 13 Canceled
Nov. 1 Canceled
Oct. 4 Canceled
Sept. 13 FBC/N-FBC Amendment regarding architecture FBC Amendment Summary

Staff Presentation

Aug. No Meeting
July 26 Special meeting with Planning Commission, Design Review Committee (HALRB), Pike Presidents Group, and development community to discuss status of architecture on Columbia Pike
July 12 Canceled
June 14 Neighborhoods FBC Affordable Housing Requirements for Ownership Units Staff Analysis
Staff Presentation
May 24 Special meeting with Planning Commission, Design Review Committee (HALRB), and Pike Presidents Group to discuss status of architecture on Columbia Pike
May 15 Canceled
April19 Canceled
March 22 Special meeting with Planning Commission, Design Review Committee (HALRB), and Pike Presidents Group to discuss status of architecture on Columbia Pike
March 14 Canceled
Feb. 8 Canceled
Jan. No Meeting


Date Agenda & Summary Documents & Meeting Materials
Dec. 14 Agenda|Summary Draft 2017 Work Plan
Nov. 9 Meeting Cancelled
Oct. 19 Meeting Cancelled
Sept. 14 Meeting Cancelled
July 13 Meeting Cancelled
June 1 Meeting Cancelled
May 11 Meeting Cancelled
April 26 Agenda Review N-FBC Proposal for Wellington Apts:
Applicant Presentation
Staff Presentation
FBC Checklist
Housing Plan
Phasing Plan
April 21 Joint meeting of FBC AWG and Site Plan Review Committee Review of Rhodes St FBC Modifications
April 13 Agenda Arlington County Zoning Ordinance Amendments (Signs)
FBC/N-FBC Technical Amendments:
Street Lighting Specifications
Alley Locations
Administrative Regulations 4.1.2
March 9 Agenda|Summary FBC Review of 2400 Columbia Pike:
Applicant Presentation
FBC Checklist
Feb. 17 Agenda|Summary 2016 Work Plan
Jan. 21 Joint meeting of FBC AWG and Site Plan Review Committee Review of Village Center FBC Modifications


Date Agenda & Summary Documents & Meeting Materials
Dec. 9 Meeting Cancelled Meeting Cancelled
Nov. 18 Agenda
Review Village Center FBC Proposal
Mixed-Use Building Presentation
Public Square Presentation
Civil Plans
Landscape Plans
Architectural Plans
Public Square Concept
FBC Checklist
Oct. 14 Agenda
Review Arlington Presbyterian Church FBC Proposal
Civil Plans
Landscape Plans
Architectural Plans
FBC Checklist
Sept. 17 Agenda
Allowable Uses
Staff Presentation
July 15 Agenda
Allowable Uses
Staff Presentation
June 10 Agenda
Allowable Uses
Staff Presentation
Adopted Zoning Ordinance Update FAQ
Draft Arlington County Retail Plan (Columbia Pike Summary)
June 4 Agenda
2900 Columbia Pike
TDR Multiplier
2900 Columbia Pike Background
2900 Columbia Pike Plans
TDR Multiplier Background
TDR Sites on Columbia Pike
May 20 Agenda
Village Center Public Square
Vision & Background
Columbia Pike Context
Site Analysis
April 15 Agenda
2015 Work Plan
Planning Presentation
Transit Presentation
2015 Work Plan
Transit Alternative Fact Sheet
Arlington Transit Flyer
Transit Stations Flyer
March 11 Meeting Cancelled Meeting Cancelled
Feb. 18 Meeting Cancelled Meeting Cancelled
Jan. 22 Meeting Cancelled Meeting Cancelled


Date Agenda/ Summary Documents/ Meeting Materials
Nov. 13
Special Meeting
Agenda FBC Amendment Regarding Historic Designation (2300-2400 Columbia Pike):
Research on Preservation Designation
FBC Amendment Regarding RBLs in the Western Gateway Node:
Sept.26 Presentation
Final Draft Form Based Code:Parts 1, 2 and 3,Regulating Plan Maps,Part 4,BES Frontages,Parts 5-10
Final Draft Master Transportation Plan (MTP) Amendments:Western Pike,Central Pike,Eastern Pike,Entire Columbia Pike
July 10 Agenda Presentation:Part 5 Overview,MTP Amendments,Next Steps and Upcoming Schedule
July 9
ZOCO Meeting
Agenda Presentation:Form Based Code Transition Studies,Part 5 Overview,MTP Amendments,Next Steps and Upcoming Schedule
Revised Draft Form Based Code (continued discussion from June 25th & 26th): Replacement Pages forPart 3,Part 4,Part 5,
Initial Draft FBC Detailed Comments and Responses
Revised Master Transportation Plan (MTP) Amendment:Summary Text,Western Pike Map,Central Pike Map,Eastern Pike Map
Jun 26 Agenda Revised Draft FBC (see links below for June 25th ZOCO):Meeting Notes
June 25
ZOCO Meeting
Agenda Revised Draft FBC (see links below):Meeting NotesPresentation:Schedule,FBC Revisions,Transition Studies and Use Permit Sites
Revised Draft Form Based Code:Parts 1-3,Regulating Plan Maps,Parts 4 and 5,Part 6,Parts 7-10,Building Use Table,Summary of Key Issues,FBC Transition Studies,Potential/Required Sites for Use Permit Review
April 11
Joint Meeting
Agenda Open Space Standards,Architectural Standards,Conservation Standards
Apr. 3
Joint Meeting
Agenda Presentation
March 28
Special Meeting
Agenda 2012 Approved Drawings2013 Administrative Change ProposalSummary of Changes
March 5
Joint Meeting
Agenda Meeting Notes,PresentationInitial Draft Form Based Code:Initial Draft FBC,Regulating PlanMaps,Conservation Area Architectural Standards,FBC Street Cross Sections,Supplemental Zoning InformationGeneral Land Use Plan (GLUP) Amendments:Introduction,Map (front), Map (back),Booklet
Master Transportation Plan (MTP) Amendments:Summary,Map
Jan. 9
Agenda Best Practice Memo,Updated Urban Form Vision Map, Updated Open Space Map,Meeting NotesPresentation:Neighborhood Transitions,Architectural Standards,Review Process/Open Space Character


Date Agenda/ Summary Documents/ Meeting Materials
Nov. 14 Meeting Canceled
Oct. 10 Meeting Canceled
Sept. 12 Meeting Summary
FBC Amendments
March 14 Meeting Summary
Updated Sign Regulations
Sign Graphics
Feb. 15 Meeting Summary
Sign Regulations
Feb. 7 Shell/Harvey Hall Project Review:
FBC Review Checklist

Civil Drawings
Architectural Drawings
Jan. 23 Rosenthal Site Project Review:
FBC Review Checklist

Civil Drawings
Landscape Drawings
Architectural Drawings
North Block Renderings
South Block Renderings