Former Commission on Long-Term Care Residences

On March 21, 2017, the Arlington County Board voted to merge the Commission on Long-Term Care Residences in to the Commission on Aging.

The  Commission on Long-Term Care Residences, now part of the Commission on Aging (effective March 2017) advises the Arlington County Board on issues related to long-term care residences in Arlington. It seeks to enhance the quality of care and quality of life in long-term care residences and supports access, availability, and affordability in such residences.

The Commission’s charge is to:

  • Enhance the quality of care and quality of life in long-term care residences in Arlington County
  • Advise public officials about long-term care needs in Arlington County
  • Support access, availability, and affordability in long-term care residences in Arlington County

The Commission appoints members to serve as a liaison with each of the long-term care residences in Arlington. The liaisons serve as a link between the residence and the Commission and inform the administrators about County and community resources.

Additional information may be found in the Commission Charter and the Commission Bylaws.

Past Agendas and Meeting Minutes

Past Commission on Long-Term Care Residences Agendas & Minutes