Master Transportation Plan Bicycle Element Working Group


On April 23, 2019, the County Board approved an update to the Master Transportation Plan (MTP) Bicycle Element and an amendment to the MTP Map depicting the Arlington Bike and Trail Network.

Community updates

About the Project

In April 2019 Arlington County completed an update to the Bicycle Element of its Master Transportation Plan. The County Manager appointed a working group of community members to assist County staff in outreach, draft plan review and other aspects of updating the plan.

The previous Master Transportation Plan Bicycle Element was adopted in July 2008.  While many of the goals and policies of the plan remain relevant, there have been significant changes in technologies, facilities and best practices that warranted a comprehensive update of the plan. The plan update incorporated input from people with a wide range of abilities and backgrounds from civic and business organizations.

Input from the public was accepted at various times throughout the plan’s development. Time for public comment was also incorporated into all working group meetings.

Engagement opportunities

County staff and working group members have been out in the community gathering input since early 2017. Through the first two phases of community engagement, County staff were able to gather approximately 2,000 comments through online and in-person engagement activities. Community input influenced every aspect of the draft update, and involved a three-phase engagement process.

Phase I Community Engagement

Engagement during phase one began during the summer/fall 2017 and focused on gathering input for the development of the plan’s overall goals and policies. Outreach included pop-up events at various locations across the County including Metrorail stations and farmers markets.

Between Aug. 19 and Sept. 22, 2017, a survey was posted online and was available at community events. More than 1,200 completed surveys were collected. View the survey responses

In addition to the multi-question survey, participants could express preferences for various forms of bicycle facilities by voting with dot stickers. More than 500 people participated in this exercise. Style board(JPG, 2MB)

Public Input Collaborative Process(JPG, 124KB)

Phase II Community Engagement

The second phase of community engagement began in the spring of 2018. Engagement activities focused on gathering community input as to where bicycle facilities are needed, what types of facilities are most desired and how to prioritize the planned bikeway network improvements. Staff and working group members were in the community at pop-ups at farmers markets and events like Bike to Work Day. Two public workshops were held in June 2018 at Arlington Mill Community Center and the Navy League Building.

County staff and working group members reviewed results of the two survey exercises when developing the updated Bicycle Element plan.

Between May 24 and June 29, 2018, a second comment form was posted online and was available at community events. This form asked for feedback on where bicycle improvements are needed and what types of bike facilities residents want to see. Data analysis of feedback provided at the community events and online can be found below in the Working Group Meeting 12 materials.

Phase III Community Engagement

Phase three community engagement process kicked off in fall 2018. During this phase, engagement activities focused efforts on gathering feedback on the draft Master Transportation Plan Bicycle Element Update. County staff have made presentations of the draft plan to the following stakeholders:

  • Long Range Planning Committee
  • Bicycle Advisory Committee
  • Pedestrian Advisory Committee
  • Neighborhood Complete Streets Commission
  • Parks & Recreation Commission
  • Bike Element Update Working Group
  • Arlington Chamber of Commerce
  • Pop-up presentation at the December Civic Federation meeting

Through January 2019 County staff have been out in the community seeking input on the draft proposal. In addition to presenting to approximately 14 stakeholder groups and organizations, County staff organized two open houses – one on Jan. 22, 2019 at the Westover Branch Library and another held on Jan. 28, 2019 in partnership with Phoenix Bikes. The open houses were attended by approximately 120 residents. Additionally members of the community could also participate in an online feedback form which received input from over 650 respondents as well as an online webinar.

View a Summary of Public Comment on Phase III community engagement online.

Working Group

Having a working group made up of community members allowed staff to involve, and work directly with, the public throughout the process to ensure public concerns and aspirations were consistently understood, considered and reflected in the recommended plan update.

The working group was involved throughout development of the plan update. In its work with staff, the working group:

  • Explored the current state of bicycling in Arlington County
  • Reviewed analyses of best practices
  • Provided advice on new and updated policies and specific implementation strategies for the MTP Bicycle Element
  • Acted as liaisons to the broader community
  • Provided strategic guidance on community process
  • Was a forum for community engagement
  • Reviewed and provided comments on draft and final documents and plans developed by staff

The working group generally met on a monthly basis for approximately 10-15 months.

Working Group members

Name Affiliation
Chair Mr. Chris Slatt Transportation Commission
Ms.Gillian Burgess Bicycle Advisory Committee
Mr. Steve Finn Parks and Recreation Commission
Ms. Erin Freas-Smith County Council of PTAs
Mr. Eric Goodman Pedestrian Advisory Committee
Mr. Mike Hanna Energy & Environmental Conservation Commission
Mr. William (Chips) Johnson Neighborhood Complete Streets Commission
Mr. Marcus Jolley Resident-at-Large
Ms. Lindsay Marfurt Resident-at-Large
Mr. James Schroll Planning Commission
Ms. Leean Sinapatanasakul Resident-at-Large

Past members: Edgar Gil Rico, Yvonne Norton

Working Group meeting dates and materials

Event Date Time Location
Meeting One

Meeting One Agenda
Meeting One Presentation
MTP Bicycle Element 2008
Baseline Report
Proposed Update Process - draft
Working Group Charge

May 9, 2017 7 to 9 pm Courthouse Plaza, Azalea Room (lobby level)
Meeting Two

Meeting Two Agenda
Public Engagement Comparison
Working Group Proposed Public Engagement Plan
State of Biking in Arlington Presentation

June 12, 2017 7 to 9 pm Courthouse Plaza, Conference Room 311
Meeting Three

Meeting Three Agenda
Draft Framework
Public Outreach Items
Draft card
Multiple Choice Questions
Phase I Outreach Events
Bike Plan Update Survey

July 27, 2017 7 to 9 pm Courthouse Plaza, Azalea Room (lobby level)
Meeting Four

Meeting Four Agenda
Revised Draft Framework
Outreach Check-In

Aug. 30, 2017 7 to 9 pm Courthouse Plaza, Azalea Room (lobby level)
Meeting Five

Meeting Five Agenda
Revised Draft Framework
Summary of September 28 meeting
Bike Plan Update e-mail correspondence
Survey Responses

Sept. 28, 2017 7 to 9 pm Courthouse Plaza, Azalea Room (lobby level)
Meeting Six

Meeting Six Agenda
Revised Draft Framework

Oct. 26, 2017 7 to 9 pm Courthouse Plaza, Azalea Room (lobby level)
Meeting Seven

Meeting Seven Agenda
Revised Draft Framework 11.20.17
Summary of November 29 meeting
Survey of Performance Measures

Nov. 29, 2017 7 to 9 pm Courthouse Plaza, Azalea Room (lobby level)
Meeting Eight

Meeting Eight Agenda
Revised Draft Framework 11.30.17
Survey of Performance Measures 1.3.18

Summary of County Board and Commission comments
(Watch the County Board work session)
Summary of January 3 Meeting

Jan. 3, 2018 7 to 9 pm Courthouse Plaza, Conference Room 913
Meeting Nine

Meeting Nine Agenda
Revised Draft Framework 1.18.18

Projected Schedule
Summary of January 25 Meeting
Possible Available Data & Map Resources for Phase 2 of Planning Effort

Jan. 25, 2018 7 to 9 pm Courthouse Plaza, Azalea Room (lobby level)
Meeting Ten

Revised Draft Framework 2.21.18

March 22, 2018 7 to 9 pm Courthouse Plaza, Azalea Room (lobby level)
Meeting 11

DRAFT Possible 2A Survey Questions
DRAFT Possible Spring Outreach Events & Dates

Meeting 11 Agenda
Potential Spring Outreach Dates 4.23.18

Revised Draft Framework 5.7.18

April 25, 2018 7 to 9 pm Courthouse Plaza, Azalea Room (lobby level)
Meeting 12

Meeting Agenda
Prioritization Menu
Public comments collected at Pop-Ups and Workshops
Spring 2018 Public Engagement Summary
Comments Provided Through Online Form
Comment Form Responses

July 9, 2018 7 to 9 pm Ellen M. Bozman Government Center, Azalea Room (lobby level)
Meeting 13

Meeting Agenda
Summary of Common Recommendations from Spring Public Outreach
Appendix P - Bikeway Projects in Currently Approved Plans
Appendix S - Currently Funded Bikeway Improvement Projects as per Adopted FY 2019-2028 Capital Improvement Program

July 26, 2018 7 to 9 pm Ellen M. Bozman Government Center, Azalea Room (lobby level)
Meeting 14

Meeting Agenda
Map combining work of three breakout groups from the last meeting
Illustration of proposed bikeway network additions and improvements
Appendix P - Version 2
Proposed New Trail Projects

Sept. 4, 2018 7 to 9 pm Ellen M. Bozman Government Center, Azalea Room (lobby level)
Meeting 15

Meeting Agenda
Project prioritization process
Map of existing bikeway network and proposed projects
Appendix P - Version 3.4

Sept. 27, 2018 7 to 9 pm Ellen M. Bozman Government Center, Azalea Room (lobby level)
Meeting 16

Draft MTP Bike Element Update - Oct. 24, 2018
Meeting summary
Schedule of public presentations

Oct. 25, 2018 7 to 9 pm Ellen M. Bozman Government Center, Azalea Room (lobby level)
Meeting 17

Meeting Agenda

Feb. 20, 2019 7 to 9 pm Ellen M. Bozman Government Center, Birch Room (lobby level)
Meeting 18

Meeting Agenda
MTP Bike Element Update - March 6 Draft
Summary of all responses to online survey
Commission/committee comments on draft Bike Element update
Audubon Society Northern Virginia comments on draft Bike Element update

March 7, 2019 7 to 9 pm Ellen M. Bozman Government Center, Azalea Room (lobby level)