Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC)
The Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) of the Planning Commission provides comments and recommendations on tasks and processes related to land use & urban design, long range plans, the Comprehensive Plan, and the General Land Use Plan.
In fulfilling these responsibilities, the Committee will provide advice on proposed land use plans and policies including:
- Draft sector plans and updates
- Draft Phased Development Site Plans
- Draft urban design guidelines
- Proposed land use policies
- Framing a long-term vision for the County and individual geographic areas
Members of the LRPC are Planning Commission members, unless the matter being reviewed warrants a specific LRPC Subgroup as a distinct public body to include members of the Commission (one who will serve as Chair of the subgroup) and representatives of other advisory commissions and the broader community.
For any committee Sub-Group created by the Commission, the Commission shall approve or adopt the roster of that Sub-Group at a monthly Commission meeting prior to the first meeting of that Sub-Group. If the representative (and alternate, if applicable) for a stakeholder group on an adopted roster are unable to attend an LRPC or SPRC sub-group meeting, the chair or president of the respective organization may designate, in writing to the Sub-Group Chair, an additional alternate from the same organization with the same powers and authority as a representative or alternate on an adopted roster. Whenever an alternate from a Commission is identified in this manner, they may count towards meeting quorum.
2025 Meetings and Engagement
Date |
Topic |
Meeting Materials |
January 29
Cancelled |
February 26
7pm Hybrid LRPC Meeting
Bozman Government Center, Room 311 or
Join on your computer or mobile device
Preliminary 2025-2026 DCPHD Planning Division Work Program
(PDF, 4MB)Agenda(PDF, 154KB)
Staff Presentation(PDF, 4MB)
Meeting Summary(PDF, 170KB)
Meeting Recording is not available. A similar presentation will be provided by the Planning Director at the 3/5 County Board Work Session Meeting at 1:00pm:
March 19
7pm Hybrid LRPC Meeting
Cancelled |
April 30
7pm Hybrid LRPC Meeting
May 28
7pm Hybrid LRPC Meeting
June 24
7pm Hybrid LRPC Meeting
July 23
7pm Hybrid LRPC Meeting
August No Meeting |
September 30
7pm Hybrid LRPC Meeting
October 29
7pm Hybrid LRPC Meeting
November 25
7pm Hybrid LRPC Meeting
December 10
7pm Hybrid LRPC Meeting
View past meetings
How to View and Participate in a Hybrid LRPC Meeting
LRPC meetings are hybrid meetings where members of the public may attend in-person or via electronic communications using Microsoft Teams.
- Group members, staff, and public testimony will be hosted by teleconference/videoconference via Microsoft Teams.
- Meeting access information will be provided on the Committee’s webpage at arlingtonva.us. (link will be posted in chart above prior to the meeting start)
- Live captioning is available when using the Microsoft Teams App. Please download the free Microsoft Teams App onto your computer and test it prior to the meeting. You must be using the Teams App and be logged in in order to use the live captioning feature. For further instruction on how to join a Teams Meeting, you can visit the How to Join a Microsoft Teams Meeting video.
- Audio is available from the dial-in phone option.
- A recording of the meeting will be posted to the Committee’s webpage two business days after the meeting.
- To request translation services or other reasonable accommodations, contact the committee liaison, Natasha Alfonso-Ahmed nalfonso-ahmed@arlingtonva.us.
- The public can participate by sharing live verbal testimony or written comments in advance.