2013 Planning Past Meetings


Date Agenda Documents/Recommendation Letters
Dec. 2 Agenda Item 2.Bluemont Neighborhood Conservation Plan Update
Item 2.SP #415, Ronald & Tracey Shively, 4210 Wash Blvd, RPC#14-023-010
Item 3.ZOA-13-07, Amendments to the ACZO Articles 13 & 18
Item 4.Reduced Parking Policy for Site Plan Office Buildings
Nov. 6 Agenda Item 3.Latitude Apartments
Nov. 4 Agenda Item 1.Request for Authorization of Advertisement of Public Hearings
Item 2.Columbia Pike Neighborhoods Special Revitalization District Form Based Code
Oct. 9 Agenda
No documents for this meeting.
Oct. 7 Agenda
Item 2.Arlington Ridge Neighborhood Conversation Plan Update
Item 3.U-3369-13-1, Julia Lee for a URD, 5527 3rd Street, South, RPC #21-010-005
Item 4.RTA – Columbia Pike Neighborhoods Special Revitalization District FBC
Item 5.ZOA-13-05, Corrections in ZO adopted May 18, 2013
Sept. 16 Agenda
Item 3.PenPlace PDSP
Sept. 9 Agenda
Item 1.U-3372-13-1, Williamsburg Middle School, New Elementary School
July 2 Agenda
Item 3.Latitude Apartments
July 1 Agenda
Item 2.Metropolitan Park 4 & 5
June 5 Agenda
Item 2 a.Adopt the Community Energy Plan as an element of the County Comprehensive Plan
Item 2 b.Approve the Community Energy Plan Implementation Framework as an admin guide for the
Community Energy Plan (CEP)
May 8 Agenda
Item 6.Request to Authorize Advertisement – Fraber House, 1612 N Quincy Street
Item 7.ZOA-13-03, ACZO Amendment to Ordinance
May 6 Agenda
Item 1.Ashlawn Elementary School Use Permits
Item 2.Colony House, 1700 Lee Highway
Item 3.ZOA-13-04, Amendment
Apr. 8 Agenda
Item 1.SP #428, Purr Diem, LLC, Veterinary Office
Item 2.Proposed Amendments to ACZO, Outdoor Cafes
March 6 Agenda Item 4.U-3356-13-1,Homeless Shelter Services 2020 14th Street, N.
Item 5.SP #425, Pierce Queen Apartments
Item 6. Informational Item Only –Zoning Ordinance Update — U-3556-13-1, 2020 14th St.
March 4 Agenda
Item 1.Fairlington-Shirlington Neighborhood Conservation Plan Update
Item 2.Amend, reenact, recodify, Chapter 23 (Subdivisions)
Item 3.Phase I Long bridge park Aquatics, Health & Fitness Facility
Feb. 13 Agenda
Item4.ZOA-13-1 Zoning Ordinance Amendmentto Sections 1,3-5,19,21,,25C,26A,27A, & 33 of the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance.
Item 5.SP#425 Pierce Queen Apartments
Feb. 11 Agenda
Item 1.North Quincy Street Plan Addendum
Item 2.ZOA-13-02 Amendments
Jan. 16 Agenda
Item 7.RTA– Public Hearings by the PC on Feb. 11, 2013 & by the County Board Feb. 23, 2013 to consider various Sections of the ACZO.
Jan. 14 Agenda
Item 2.Informational Item Only: North Quincy Street Plan Addendum
Item 3.Z-2561-12-1, Designate Arlington Historic District, Green Valley Pharmacy
Item 4.Proposed Amendments to the ACZO, Section 20, Columbia Pike Form Base Code Districts (CP-FBC)