Site Plan Review Working Group (SPRWG)

The Site Plan Review Committee was adopted and formed by the Arlington County Board, January 7, 1972.  The first Chairman of the committee, John McCracken, spearheaded efforts to create the subcommittee to resolve site plan issues before the proposals were presented to public hearings and to reduce the number of deferrals and length of discussion necessary at the public hearings.


After more than a decade, there is general agreement the current process could benefit from updating.


To improve site plan review efficiency and effectiveness and promote high-quality redevelopment of Arlington that advances county goals and plans while balancing stakeholders’ diverse needs and expectations.


The Planning Commission will establish and oversee a Working Group to conduct the review and make recommendations to the Commission, the County Manager and the County Board, as appropriate, for improvements to the current process.  Specific steps of the Working Group process will be to:

  1. Identify criteria for a successful site review process
  2. Clearly identify issues or problems associated with the design and implementation of the current process from the full range of stakeholder perspectives
  3. Identify alternative approaches and/or changes to the current review process to address identified problems and meet the criteria for success
  4. Obtain stakeholder input
  5. Recommend changes to the site plan review process

The Working Group will conduct its work openly and transparently and ensure that all recommendations are developed in consideration of the range of stakeholder perspectives critical to creating great places in Arlington County.

Working Group Members


Steve Cole, Chair, Planning Commission

Current Planning Commissioners

Brian Harner

Nancy Iacomini

Karen Kumm Morris

Steve Sockwell

Former Planning Commissioners

Carrie Johnson

Terry Savela

Transportation Commissioner

Bill Gearhart


Nina Janopaul, APAH

Brian Scull, Shooshan Companies

Andy Van Horn, JBG

Development Consultants

George Dove, Architect, WDG Architects

Jon Kinney, Land Use Attorney, Bean, Kinney and Korman

John Lutostanski, Civil Engineers, Bowman Consulting

Community Representatives

Judy Freshman, Crystal City

Martha Moore, Civic Federation

Larry Mayer, Civic Federation

County Staff

Samia Byrd, CPHD

Bob Duffy, CPHD

Lisa Maher, DES


Meeting Documents

June 9, 2014

June 19, 2014

June 26, 2014

July 8, 2014

Date/Time Meeting/Location Subject Matter
Monday, June 9
7-10 pm


Meeting Notification
Site Plan Review Working Group (SPRWG)
Thursday, June 19
7-10 pm


Meeting Notification
Site Plan Review Working Group(SPRWG)
Thursday, June 26
8:30 – 10 pm


Meeting Notification
Site Plan Review Working Group (SPRWG)