Funding Opportunities for Child Care Providers

Funding Opportunities for Child Care Providers

The Child Care Initiative (CCI) provides a strategic framework to address challenges in providing child care for Arlington families. The CCI focuses on:

  • Accessibility: Increase access to child care that is affordable, with a particular focus on families whose income meets the threshold for public assistance safety net programs.
  • Availability: Increase the availability and utilization of child care slots.
  • Quality: Enhance the safety and quality of all child care.

In support of the CCI, the County Board allocated $5 million in one-time funding to support the development of funding opportunities for child care providers who are working to expand access to quality and affordable child care.

Current Opportunity: Child Care Capacity Building and Quality Improvements

Of this, $564,580 is available for the Child Care Capacity Building and Quality Improvements Notice of Funding Availability. This funding opportunity is open to both child care centers and family day care homes, offering providers up to $75,000 for investments that support building capacity and making quality improvements. Examples of relevant investments could include, but are not limited to:

  • Capacity Building
    • Contracted expertise to start or expand a child care program
    • Contracted expertise to develop and implement operational processes
    • Professional development
  • Quality Improvement
    • Curriculum or assessment tools
    • Credential/certification attainment
    • Age-appropriate developmental books or toys
    • Classroom tools or supplies
    • Items supporting health and safety

A virtual information session was held on November 14, 2024. The recording may be found here.

Child Care Capacity Building and Quality Improvements NOFA Application:

English application(PDF, 233KB)

Spanish application(PDF, 139KB)

Amharic application(PDF, 273KB)

Bengali application(PDF, 358KB)

Farsi application(PDF, 284KB)

Hindi application(PDF, 415KB)

Urdu application(PDF, 252KB)

Applications were due in December 2024. Award announcements are anticipated in Spring 2025.

Past Opportunity: Expansion of Affordable and Quality Child Care

In October 2024, the first Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) awarded $4.4 million to the following providers for the described investments. This NOFA focused on capital investments which expanded the number of affordable slots available.

  • AHC, Inc., $1,050,000 - Provides 35 new affordable slots for 25 years by funding the design, construction, and fit-out expenses for a new facility at the Goodwill site
  • Arlington Montessori House, $700,000 - Provides 5 new affordable slots for 25 years by reducing debt needed to build a new stand-alone classroom
  • Kinhaven, $375,500 - Provides 16 new affordable slots for 10 years by reducing debt needed for the installation of playground equipment and furnishings
  • Two Birds, $1,210,000 - Provides 62 new affordable slots for 12 years by supporting capital expenses associated with a new facility
  • NVFS, $1,099,920 - Provides 18 new affordable slots for 6 years by subsidizing rent at the Dinwiddie Street and Glebe Road centers

Notice of Funding Availability for Expansion of Affordable, Quality Child Care(DOCX, 64KB) (COMPLETE)


Questions and Answers

Are individuals offering child care in their apartments or Family Day Homes eligible for this grant opportunity?

Yes, if they meet applicable licensing requirements.

Is this a loan that we have to repay?

No, this is a grant opportunity. Grants are not expected to be repaid. However, providers who receive a grant must complete what they proposed in their application.

Can one person write an application for multiple organizations?

Can one organization write multiple applications?
Yes, a provider may submit multiple applications. However, the total amount requested must be no more than $75,000.

For allowable expenses, what do you mean by "contracted expertise"?
Businesses, organizations, or individuals that provide outside support and specialized skill to accomplish certain tasks.

When would we get the funding if awarded?
The timing for funding depends on the proposal and what is negotiated in the grant agreement.

How will quality be evaluated?
Reviewers will look at licensing and the provider's response to questions under the "quality" section of the proposal. These questions focus on the provider's practices including holistic and comprehensive strategies to support a child's academic, developmental, social, and emotional well-being.

Can this funding be used to support staffing needs?
This funding may support internal staffing to support quality improvements. However, this is a one-time funding opportunity, so providers should make sure that they show that the staffing is sustainable after the grant funding has been used.

Can the funding be used to open more space and add child care slots?
This funding should not be used to purchase space, but it could help a provider outfit a space with age-appropriate supplies or health and safety items to support quality programming. Proposals will not be evaluated on their ability to add child care slots but on their ability to improve the quality of child care opportunities in Arlington County.

Does the applicant have to be licensed prior to the time of application submission? In other words, are informal providers working towards licensing allowed to apply?
If a provider is already operating, they need to meet all licensure requirements. If they are not yet licensed, and they fail to become licensed after receiving funding, they may have to return the funding.

Can Early Childhood Education Professional Development training programs apply for this grant?
It depends on the programming. In general, if the proposal involves providing professional development at no cost for Arlington providers, it could qualify for funding.

Are there any resources available for applicants who don't have capital to establish a location?
No grant opportunity is currently available through Arlington County Government to support capital expenditures, but the County has a robust small business program through Arlington Economic Development (AED).

Information Session: November 14, 2024

The recording for the virtual information session held on Thursday, November 14, 2024, is available here.