Planning Division
The Planning Division plays a key role in guiding and regulating growth and development. We carefully study the potential impacts of new development, and use a planning approach that incorporates smart growth principles, urban design and extensive community involvement. The Planning Commission and County Board make final decisions. Our primary services include:
- Comprehensive Planning: We help to manage long-range development by working closely with the community to develop plans and analyze development requests.
- Current Planning: We regulate short-range development through the site plan review and use permit processes.
- Urban Design: We provide urban design support and services to comprehensive and current planning.
Careful planning over the past 50 years has helped us manage growth and concentrate development along primary transportation corridors. Learn about the many aspects we consider when making planning decisions. Learn more about Planning.
Planning and Development History
Trace the history of Arlington’s growth and development from its humble beginnings to the thriving community it is today. Learn more about our development history.
Arlington has been recognized for excellence in smart growth planning and has received numerous accolades for its comprehensive planning efforts. View a list of planning awards.
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission is an advisory body appointed by the County Board. It participates in all major planning efforts and is usually the lead group in involving citizens in these processes. It reviews and makes recommendations to the County Board on rezonings, GLUP amendments and other Comprehensive Plan changes. Learn more about the Planning Commission as well as its committees.