June 2021 - Legal Notices



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF ARLINGTON CO., VA, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF ARLINGTON CO., VA, on June 2, 2021 in a virtual meeting at 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as matters may be heard, will consider the following cases, after offering the public an opportunity to be heard in a public hearing. The public may attend the virtual meeting via live stream at www.arlingtonva.us, YouTube and local cable stations on Comcast 25 & 1085 and Verizon FiOS 39 & 40.  To speak at the virtual meeting, visit https://commissions.arlingtonva.us/planning-commission/ or call 703-228-0095 between 8am and 5pm starting the week before the meeting; and  

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE COUNTY BOARD OF ARLINGTON CO., VA, on June 12, 2021 in a virtual meeting at 9:00 A.M. or as soon thereafter as matters may be heard, will consider the following cases, after offering the public an opportunity to be heard in a public hearing.  The public may attend the virtual meeting via live stream at www.arlingtonva.us and local cable stations on Comcast 25 & 1085 and Verizon FiOS 39 & 40.  To speak at the virtual meeting, visit www.countyboard.arlingtonva.us or call 703-228-3130 between 8am and 5pm starting the week before the meeting;

NOTE: Copies of proposed plans, ordinances, amendments and applications, and related planning case materials may be examined in the Zoning Office, Suite 1000; or text of proposed County Code amendments available by contacting the County Board Clerk’s Office  8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. weekdays by phone at 703-228-3130 or email at countyboard@arlingtonva.us. The term Site Plan in this notice refers to Special Exception in County Zoning Ordinance and is not the same as an engineering site plan or construction plans submitted in satisfaction of other codes or ordinances.  The terms ACZO and GLUP means Arlington County Zoning Ordinance and General Land Use Plan, respectively


Z-2626-21-1 Rezoning from the C-O and S3-A Zoning Districts to the C-O Rosslyn Zoning District for property located at 1901 N. Moore Street, approximately 46,425 sq. ft., and identified as RPC# 16-019-005.

SP #66 JAG DMV Development Co., LLC for a site plan amendment to redevelop the Rosslyn RCA site with a 423-unit residential apartment building in the C-O Rosslyn Zoning District under ACZO §7.1, §7.15, & §15.5.  Property is approximately 46,425 sq. ft.; located at 1901 N. Moore Street (RPC# 16-019-005).  The proposed density is approximately 10.0 FAR.  Modifications of Zoning Ordinance requirements include: bonus density for LEED, additional density for community benefits, reduction of required loading docks from 4 to 3, reduction in the residential and retail parking ratios, setback reduction, and other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: Rosslyn Sector Plan, GLUP “High” Office-Apartment-Hotel, Rosslyn Coordinated Redevelopment District.

Subject: Vacations Related to the RCA Building - Ordinance(s) of Vacation to vacate: 1) portion of North Moore Street running north from 19th Street North to 20th Street North, adjacent to and on the west side of Lots 1 – 6, Block 6 Rosslyn, RPC #16-019-005; 2) portion of 20th Street North running west from North Moore Street to North Lynn Street, adjacent to Lot 1, Block 6, Rosslyn, RPC #16-019-005; 3) a portion of North Lynn Street running north from 19th Street North to 20th Street North, adjacent to and on the east side of Lots 1 – 6, Block 6 Rosslyn, RPC #16-019-005; and 4) a portion of an Easement for Public Street and Utility Purposes, running around the periphery of Lots 1 – 6, Block 6 Rosslyn, RPC #16-019-005; all of the above, with conditions.

Subject: Ordinance(s) of vacation to vacate: 1) portion of an easement for public street purposes for South Clark Street running south from 20th Street South, parallel to the east side of Richmond Highway and on the west side of Parcel A-45, RPC #34-020-267; and 2) portion of an easement for public street and utilities purposes for South Clark Street running west from Richmond Highway on the northern side of Parcel A-45, RPC #34-020-267, both of the above, with conditions.

Subject:  Ordinance of encroachment to permit encroachment of an underground electric vault into an easement for public street and utilities purposes running west from Richmond Highway on the northern side of Parcel A-45, Crystal Plaza, RPC #34-020-267, with conditions.

PDSP #346   ZMA Development LP for a Phased Development Site Plan Amendment to allow the conversion of office use to residential use on a portion of Land Bay C, and other related condition revisions, in the C-O-1.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.11, & §15.5.  PDSP area is approximately 49.72 acres; located on certain parcels of land known as Potomac Yard (RPC# 34-027-060, -061, -062, -063, -067, -068, -071, -072, -073 through –545, -549, -551, -553, -557, -558, -559, -560, -562, -563, -564, -566, -567, -568, -569, -570, -572, -573, -574, and -575).  Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP Note 18: Potomac Yard Phased-Development Site Plan, and “Medium” Residential 1/3 and “Low” Office-Apartment-Hotel 2/3.

SP #346 ZMA Development LP for a Site Plan Amendment to divide Land Bay C into separate Final Site Plans, in the C-O-1.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.11, & §15.5.  Land Bay C is approximately 189,892 sq. ft.; located on certain parcels of land known as Land Bay C (RPC# 34-027-071 & -072). Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP Note 18: Potomac Yard Phased-Development Site Plan, and “Medium” Residential 1/3 and “Low” Office-Apartment-Hotel 2/3.

SP #346 ZMA Development LP for a new Final Site Plan, comprising construction of up to approximately 496 residential dwelling units and 8,246 sq. ft. of commercial retail, in the C-O-1.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.11, & §15.5.  Property is approximately 88,418 sq. ft.; located on certain parcels of land known as Land Bay C – East (RPC# 34-027-071). Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: additional density, reduced parking and loading requirements, density exclusions, and other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP Note 18: Potomac Yard Phased-Development Site Plan, and “Medium” Residential 1/3 and “Low” Office-Apartment-Hotel 2/3; Potomac Yard Design Guidelines; Off-Street Residential Parking Guidelines; and the Arlington County Retail Plan.

ZOA-2021-02 An ordinance to amend, reenact, and recodify ACZO Section §9.2.5 to revise Map 1 in the Clarendon Revitalization District (§9.2) to replace the heights of 55 feet & 110 feet and the arrows indicating a 1:3 taper plane with new maximum heights indicated at steps of 55, 75 & 95 feet for the property located at 3275 & 3251 Washington Boulevard and 1227 & 1239 N. Ivy Street (RPC# 15-078-024; -006; -022; -010; -021; -011; -012; and those portions of County streets and street/utility easements vacated pursuant to Instrument Number 20190100007836).


SUBJECT: Subordination of the liens of existing County Deeds of Trust on the property known as Terwilliger Place Land Condominium, 3445 Washington Boulevard, RPC #15-086-029, -030, -031, and -032, to an Easements and Covenants Agreement between POST WEST NINE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, POST EAST FOUR LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, and APAH POST LAND LLC and YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON

SUBJECT: Ordinance of Vacation to vacate a portion of an Easements for Public Sidewalk and Utilities with possible reservation for utilities running along the northern and eastern property lines of Axumite Village, also known as Lots 10A and 10B and Part Lots 8, 9 and 10 Albert E. Dyes’s Subdivision, RPC #s 32-007-167; -168; -183; -184; 32-007-022, with conditions.

SUBJECT: Ordinance of Encroachment to permit handrails at various locations for approximately one foot within a portion of the area dedicated for Public Street and Utilities Purposes abutting the northern and eastern property lines of Axumite Village, also known as Lots 10A and 10B and Part Lots 8, 9 and 10 Albert E. Dyes’s Subdivision, RPC #s 32-007-167; -168; -183; -184; 32-007-022, with conditions.

SUBJECT: Action to (1) adopt an ordinance to rename U.S. Route 29 to “Langston Boulevard” within the boundaries of Arlington County between N. Lynn Street to the western border of Arlington County with the City of Falls Church; and (2) adopt a Resolution requesting the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) to rename that portion of U.S. Route 309, also referred to as “Lee Highway” or “Old Lee Highway,” to “Old Dominion Drive,” from N. Quincy Street to US. Route 29.

SUBJECT:  An ordinance to repeal, reenact and re-codify Chapter 17 (Miscellaneous Offenses and Provisions) of the Code of Arlington County, Virginia, effective June 12, 2021, to update outdated references to state statutes, remove provisions conflicting with state and federal laws, repeal the law that makes refusal to identify oneself at the request of a police officer a criminal act, and modernize provisions to reflect current practice.


SP #65 ML Century I LLC and ML Century II LLC to reconfigure retail frontage with a change in GFA, incorporation of a new plaza, streetscape improvements and landscaping, and to add tenant storage space in garage levels, in the C-O zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.13, & §15.5.  Property is approximately 87,120 sq. ft.; located at 2450 Crystal Drive & 2461 S. Clark Drive (RPC# 34-020-032 and 34-020-034, -035).  Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: parking and other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP “High” Office-Apartment-Hotel, Crystal City Coordinated Redevelopment District (GLUP Note #1).

SP #105-9 Acorn Development LLC for a site plan amendment in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.12 & §15.5 for Metropolitan Park Phases 6, 7 & 8 to revise the naming procedure for the central park. Property is approximately 6.2 acres.; located at 1232-1450 S. Eads Street & 501 & 525 15th Street S. (RPC#35-003-001 and -012; -015 through -021, & -023). Applicable Policies: Pentagon City Master Development Plan, Metropolitan Park Design Guidelines, GLUP ¾ “High-Medium” Residential and ¼ “Medium” Office-Apartment-Hotel and designated a “Coordinated Development District” (GLUP Note 4).

SP #213 Dittmar Company for a temporary conversion of up to 25 units from residential use to flexible residential/hotel use to permit short term stays of less than 30 days at Randolph Towers for up to two (2) years in the C-O-A zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.14 & §15.5. Property is approximately 100,045 sq. ft.; located at 4001 Ninth St. N. (RPC# 14-045-008). The approved density is 6.5 F.A.R. Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: Other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP Coordinated Mixed-Use Development; Ballston Sector Plan.

SP #242 Dittmar Company for a temporary conversion of up to 25 units from residential use to flexible residential/hotel use to permit short term stays of less than 30 days at Courtland Towers for up to two (2) years in the RA-H-3.2 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.5 & §15.5.  Property is approximately 150,162 sq. ft.; located at 1200 N. Veitch St. (RPC# 18-003-111). The approved density is 4.3 F.A.R. Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: Other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP “High” Residential; Courthouse Sector Plan.

SP #331 4420 North Fairfax LLC to extend the period of validity of an approved site plan for three years in the C-O-A zoning district under ACZO §15.5. Property is approximately 21,348 sq. ft.; located at 4420 Fairfax Dr. (RPC# 14-051-019). There is no change to the approved density. Applicable Policies: Ballston Sector Plan, GLUP “Coordinated Mixed Use Development District” and Note 6 on the GLUP map.

SP #339 Clarendon Regency IV, LLC (Regency Centers) for a site plan amendment to permit redevelopment of the central urban plaza, and other site improvements, at The Crossing (formerly Market Common Clarendon) in the C-O-1.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.11, & §15.5.  Property is approximately 272,200 sq. ft.; located at 2700 and 2800 Clarendon Blvd. (RPC# 18-016-019).  Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP “Low” Office-Apartment-Hotel; East Clarendon Special Coordinated Mixed-Use District (GLUP Note #3); Clarendon Sector Plan.

SP #416 Dittmar Company for a temporary conversion of up to 25 units from residential use to flexible residential/hotel use to permit short term stays of less than 30 days at Virginia Square Towers for up to two (2) years in the MU-VS zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.8 & §15.5.  Property is approximately 107,428 sq. ft.; located at 3444 Fairfax Drive (RPC# 14-035-028, -029). The approved density is 4.65 F.A.R. Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: Other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Density Mixed-Use; Virginia Square Sector Plan.

SP #418 KBSIII 3003 Washington LLC to permit modification of current window transparency requirements in the C-3 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.19, & §15.5.  Property is approximately 39,967 sq. ft.; located at 3001 and 3003 Washington Boulevard (RPC# 18-026-012, -013).  Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Density Mixed Use, Clarendon Revitalization District (GLUP Note #12).

SP #438 The Shooshan Company to lower the building height, reduce the residential parking ratio, permit tandem parking spaces, amend the corner plaza design, and modify the location of the ground floor unit stoops and main building entrances for Building 1 of the Clarendon West development in the C-3 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.19, & §15.5.  Property is approximately 149,957 sq. ft.; located at 3275 and 3251 Washington Boulevard; 1227 & 1239 N. Ivy Street; 1126, 1200, and 1220 N. Hudson Street; 1229, 1237, 1125, 1205, and 1123 N. Irving Street (RPC# 15-078-024; -006; -022; -010; -021; -011; -012; 15-075-012; -011; -018; -020; -017; -008; -019; -007; -016; -014; -013; and those portions of County streets and street/utility easements vacated pursuant to Instrument Number 20190100007836). The approved density is 3.87 FAR.  Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: modification of parking ratio and to permit tandem parking spaces, and other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Density Mixed Use, Clarendon Revitalization District (GLUP Note 12).


U-3595-21-1 Virginia Hospital Center for a medical office in the CP-FBC zoning district under ACZO §11.1 (Appendix A). Property is approximately 4,979 sq. ft.; located at 940, 942, 944, 948 and 950 S. George Mason Drive (RPC # 23-034-017, -018, -019). Applicable Policies: Columbia Pike Special Revitalization District.

U-3224-09-1 Ethiopian Community Development Council to modify condition language to facilitate a 6" reduction of clear sidewalk width along S. Highland Street and the Planned 11th Street extension for the recently built 35 Unit Condo Development in the CP-FBC zoning district under ACZO §11.1. Property is approximately 40,872 sq. ft.; located at 1100, 1106 & 1036 S. Highland St. (RPC# 32-007-167 32-007-168).  Applicable Policies: Columbia Pike Initiative – Revitalization Plan 2005.

U-3594-21-1 Field to Table, Inc. for an open-air market in the S-3A zoning district under ACZO §4.1, §4.2, §12.5.17 & §15.4. Property is approximately 396,720 sq. ft.; located at 4100 Vacation Lane (RPC# 05-039-077, 078, 079). Applicable Policies: GLUP: Public.



U-2387-83-1 Arlington Exxon & Carwash for a vehicle service establishment in the C-2 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.17, §15.4. Property is approx. 30,861 sq. ft.; located at 1824 Wilson Blvd. (RPC# 17-010-018). Applicable Policies: GLUP Service Commercial.


SP #375 Chasin’ Tails Restaurant to allow an outdoor café within the public right-of-way in the C-O-1.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.11, §12.9.14.B, §15.5. Property is located at 2200 N. Westmoreland St. (the Westlee Condominium building) (RPC# 11-011-PCA, 11-011-163). Applicable Policies: GLUP “Low” Office-Apartment-Hotel; the East Falls Church Area Plan.

U-3139-05-1 Maria Teresa Desaba for a child care center for 68 children in the R-5 zoning district under §5.1, §5.7, §15.4.  Property is approximately 9,000 sq. ft., located at 825 23rd St. S. (RPC# 36-031-005).  Applicable Policies: GLUP “Low” Residential (1-10 units/acre).

U-3299-11-2 Advent Lutheran Church for secondary use of a parking lot for Maria Teresa Desaba in the R-10 zoning district under §5.1, §5.3, §15.4.  Property is approximately 45,000 sq. ft., located at 2222 S. Arlington Ridge Rd. (RPC# 37-038-001).  Applicable Policies: GLUP “Low” Residential (1-10 units/acre).

Kendra Jacobs, Clerk to the County Board

Publication dates May 18, & May 25, 2021