March 2020 - Legal Notices

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF ARLINGTON CO., VA, on March 9, 2020 in Room 307, 2100 Clarendon Blvd. at 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as matters may be heard, will hold Public Hearings on the following cases; and

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE COUNTY BOARD OF ARLINGTON CO., VA, on March 21, 2020 in Room 307, 2100 Clarendon Blvd. at 9:00 A.M. or as soon thereafter as matters may be heard, will consider the following cases, after offering the public an opportunity to be heard in a public hearing:

NOTE: Copies of proposed plans, ordinances, amendments and applications, and related planning case materials may be examined in the Zoning Office, Suite 1000; or text of proposed County Code amendments in County Board Clerk’s Office, Suite 300; 2100 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, VA, 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. weekdays. The term Site Plan in this notice refers to Special Exception in County Zoning Ordinance and is not the same as an engineering site plan or construction plans submitted in satisfaction of other codes or ordinances. The terms ACZO and GLUP means Arlington County Zoning Ordinance and General Land Use Plan, respectively.


SUBJECT: Proposed resolution pursuant to Code of Virginia §15.2-2286 to increase established Dept. of Community Planning, Housing, and Development (CPHD) development fees by an inflationary indicator of two and five-tenths percent (2.5%); to restructure and increase sign permit and comprehensive sign plan fees; and to establish a new fee for Home Occupation Permits.  All to be effective July 1, 2020.


SUBJECT: Public hearings are to be held at the March 9, 2020 Planning Commission meeting and the March 21, 2020 County Board meeting to consider an amendment to the Master Transportation Plan (MTP) Map to add new sections of North Nash Street and North Meade Street immediately north of westbound Lee Highway.

SP# 46 4000 North Fairfax Drive LLC to convert up to 125 dwelling units to temporary hotel use for WhyHotel in the C-O-A zoning district under ACZO §15.5. Property is approximately 26,293 sq. ft.; located at 4000 N. Fairfax Dr. (RPC# 14-045-003). The proposed density will not change. Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: hotel parking and other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan. Applicable Policies: Ballston Sector Plan, GLUP “Coordinated Mixed-Use Development District”.

SP# 53 KBLH, LLC to renovate the existing hotel and construct one apartment building with approximately 300-units, and two condominium buildings with approximately 151-units in the C-O-2.5 Mixed Use Zoning District under ACZO §7.12 & §15.5. Property is approximately 240,486 sq. ft. located at 1401 Lee Highway (RPC# 16-004-001, -002, -003, -004, -005 & -006). The proposed density is 137.3 units per acre for residential and 199.1 units per acre for hotel. Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: parking, bonus density, and other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan. Applicable Policies: GLUP “High-Medium” Residential.

SUBJECT: Ordinance of Vacation to Vacate Two Portions of an Easement for Public Street and Utilities Purposes, which portions are adjacent to North Fort Myer Drive and are located on Part Lots 1 through 7, inclusive, Block 14, Rosslyn, known as 1401 Lee Highway, Arlington, Virginia (RPC # 16-004-001), with conditions.

Z-2617-19- Rezoning from R15-30T, RA6-15, & R-5 zoning districts to RA8-18 zoning district, located at 2134 North Taylor Street, 4301, 4313, 4317, 4325, 4335 and 4339 Lee Highway, approximately 121,548 square feet (2.79 acres) identified as RPC#s 06-001-024, -025, -026, -027, -028, -029, -030, -032, -033.

SP #452 Artis Senior Living of Arlington, LLC to construct a 175-unit, 6-story assisted living facility in the RA8-18 zoning district under ACZO §6.1, §6.3, §15.5. Property is approximately 121,548 sq. ft. (2.79 acres); located at 2134 North Taylor Street, 4301, 4313, 4317, 4325, 4335 and 4339 Lee Highway (RPC#s 06-001-024, -025, -026, -027, -028, -029, -030, -032, -03). The proposed density is approximately 1.3 FAR. Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: front setback, lot coverage, and other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan. Applicable Policies: GLUP Low-Medium Residential.

SP# 454 JBG Smith for a phased development site plan including three non-contiguous sites in Crystal City; located at 101 12th Street South (RPC # 34-024-007, -008, -009, -017, -023, -270), 1900 Crystal Drive (RPC # 34-026-037 part), and 223 23rd Street South (RPC # 34-020-003, -017, -018, -265); in the C-O, C-O-1.5, C-O Crystal City, and M-2 zoning districts under ACZO §7.1, §7.11, §7.13, §7.16, §8.1, §8.4, & §15.5. PDSP area is approximately 458,405 sq. ft. total. Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan. Applicable Policies: GLUP: “High” Office-Apartment-Hotel, “Low” Office-Apartment-Hotel, Note 1: Crystal City Coordinated Redevelopment District, Note 20: North Tract Special Planning District; and Crystal City Sector Plan.

Z-2616-19-1 REZONING from C-O, Mixed Use District to C-O Crystal City, Mixed Use Crystal City District; for an approx. 65,805-sq.-ft. area located at 1900 Crystal Drive (RPC # 34-026-037 part).

CCBP-JK-2 CRYSTAL CITY BLOCK PLAN AMENDMENT provides supplemental long-range planning guidance and an integrated planning approach for Block J/K as identified in the Crystal City Sector Plan, defined by 18th Street South to the north, 20th Street South to the south, Crystal Drive to the east, and Richmond Highway to the west. This block plan supports and further refines the Crystal City Sector Plan recommendations for this block. The Block Plan illustrates and reaffirms desired qualities relating to block structure and neighborhood form, land uses, accessibility and circulation, public open spaces, sustainable development, and other plan elements. It provides conceptual build-out scenarios related to amendments to Site Plans #56 and #421, that each reflect a variety of Sector Plan recommendations. Some of the Sector Plan’s major recommendations to be advanced through the Block Plan include easements for a portion of the future Center Park and more complete and attractive pedestrian facilities (RPC # 34-026-035, -037, -038, -039, -040).

SP #56 CESC Mall Land LLC proposes a site plan amendment for the removal of approximately 140,000 square feet of site area from the subject site plan in the C-O and C-O Crystal City zoning districts under ACZO §7.1, §7.13, §7.16, & §15.5. Area is approximately 413,238 sq. ft.; located at 1800, 1801, 1851, 1901 South Bell Street, and 1999 Richmond Highway (RPC#s 34-026-035, -037, -038, -039, -040). Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: permitting the existing density to be retained above 3.8 FAR, loading, parking, and other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan. Applicable Policies: GLUP “High” Office-Apartment-Hotel and Note 1: Crystal City Coordinated Redevelopment District; Crystal City Sector Plan; Arlington County Retail Plan.

SP #421 CESC Mall Land LLC proposes a final site plan for the construction of up to approximately 6 FAR total density, with approx. 788,416 sq. ft. of residential and approx. 39,890 sq. ft. of commercial gross floor area in C-O and C-O Crystal City zoning districts under ACZO §7.1, §7.13, §7.16, & §15.5. Area is approximately 140,000 sq. ft.; located at 1900 Crystal Drive (RPC#s 34-026-037 part). Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: additional density, loading, parking, density exclusions, and other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan. Applicable Policies: GLUP “High” Office-Apartment-Hotel and Note 1: Crystal City Coordinated Redevelopment District; Crystal City Sector Plan; Arlington County Retail Plan.

SUBJECT: Ordinance of Vacation to vacate a portion of an Easement for Public Sidewalk and Utilities purposes parallel to 18th Street South and located on Parcel X-2A-1A South Washington Industrial Subdivision, RPC #34-026-037, also known as 1900 Crystal Drive, with conditions.


SUBJECT: Consideration of adoption of an update to the Maywood Homeowner’s Handbook: Design Guidelines for the Maywood Local Historic District (Z-2686-90-HD) pursuant to ACZO §15.7.9. Copies of the materials relating to the proposed design guidelines update are available from the Clerk to the County Board and Community Planning, Housing and Development (CPHD).

SUBJECT: Ordinance of Encroachment to Permit the Encroachment of Portions of Balconies over an Existing Easement for Public Street and Utilities Purposes located on property known as 1401 Lee Highway, Arlington, Virginia (RPC#s 16-004-003, 16-004-004, and 16-004-005), with conditions.

SUBJECT: Ordinance of Vacation to vacate two 25′ Public Water Service Easements located: 1) near the northwest corner of the intersection of 20th Street South and Crystal Drive; and 2) parallel to Crystal Drive, both located on Parcel X-2A-1A South Washington Industrial Subdivision, RPC #34-026-037, also known as 1900 Crystal Drive, with conditions.

SUBJECT: Ordinance of Encroachment for two underground electric vaults: 1) into an Easement for Public Sidewalk and Utilities Purposes located parallel to 20th Street South near its intersection with Crystal Drive; and 2) into an Easement for Public Sidewalk and Utilities Purposes and an Easement for Public Streets and Utility Purposes located parallel to 18th Street South near its intersection with Crystal Drive, both proposed underground vaults located on Parcel X-2A-1A South Washington Industrial Subdivision, RPC #34-026-037, also known as 1900 Crystal Drive, with conditions.

SUBJECT: Approval of a Right of Way Agreement (Easement) between the County Board of Arlington County, Virginia and Virginia Electric and Power Company for Installation and Maintenance of Above and Below Ground Electric Distribution and Transmission Related Facilities on a Portion of 333 Long Bridge Drive, owned by the County Board, known as Long Bridge Park Aquatics & Fitness Center (RPC# 34-023-005).

SUBJECT: Acceptance and Approval of Deed of Easements and Subordination (“Easement”) and authorization for County Trustee to execute the Easement related to Units A and B, Berkeley Land Condominium, Site Plan 431, RPC #38-020-011, 38-020-012.

SUBJECT: Ordinance of Encroachment to permit the encroachment of a security fence within a portion of Southgate Road between the Clayton Drive and Hobson Drive, abutting the southern boundary of Arlington National Cemetery, RPC No. 34-004-002, with conditions.

SUBJECT: Ordinance to Permit the Encroachment of a Canopy over portions of a Public Use and Public Access Easement on Central Place Plaza located between the buildings at 1201 Wilson Blvd. and 1800 N. Lynn St., Arlington, Virginia (RPC# 16-038-004), with conditions.


SP# 419  JBG/Rosslyn Gateway North, LLC to amend Condition #21 of the Phased Development Site Plan to extend the term of validity for three additional years in the C-O-Rosslyn, Mixed Use Rosslyn District under ACZO §7.1, §7.15, §15.5.  Property is approximately 95,927 sq. ft.; located at 1901 & 1911 N. Fort Myer Drive, and portions of 20th Street N., N. Moore Street, 19th Street N., and Fort Myer Drive (RPC# 16-02-001; -002; -006).  The approved density is 10.0 FAR.  Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: density exclusions for mechanical space, parking, and other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP “High” Office-Apartment-Hotel, and the Rosslyn Sector Plan (2015).

SP# 419  JBG/Rosslyn Gateway North, LLC to amend Condition #2 of the Final Site Plan to extend the term of validity for three additional years in the C-O-Rosslyn, Mixed Use Rosslyn District under ACZO §7.1, §7.15, §15.5.  Property is approximately 95,927 sq. ft.; located at 1901 & 1911 N. Fort Myer Drive, and portions of 20th Street N., N. Moore Street, 19th Street N., and Fort Myer Drive (RPC# 16-02-001; -002; -006).  The approved density is 10.0 FAR.  Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: density exclusions for mechanical space, parking, and other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP “High” Office-Apartment-Hotel, and the Rosslyn Sector Plan (2015).

SUBJECT: Second Amendment and Re-enactment of Two Ordinances to Vacate in total: 1) an Easement for Public Street and Utility Purposes, running along the western boundary of Lot 4, along the southern boundaries of Lots 4 and 9, and along the eastern boundaries of Lots, 9, 8, and 7, Block 5, Rosslyn (RPC # 16-020-001 and RPC # 16-020-006); 2) an Easement for Public Street and Utilities Purposes, running along the eastern boundaries of Lots, 3, 2, and 1 and along the western boundary of Lot 6, Block 5, Rosslyn (RPC # 16-020-002); 3) a portion of 20th Street North abutting the northern boundaries of Lots 6, 5, and 1, Block 5, Rosslyn (RPC # 16-020-002); 4) a portion of Ft. Myer Drive abutting the western boundaries of Lots 6 and 4, Block 5, Rosslyn (RPC # 16-020-002 and RPC # 16-020-001); 5) a portion of 19th Street North abutting the southern boundaries of Lots 4 and 9, Block 5, Rosslyn (RPC # 16-020-001 and RPC # 16-020-006); and 6) a portion of North Moore Street abutting the western boundaries of Lots 9, 8, 7, 3, 2 and 1, Block 5, Rosslyn (RPC # 16-020-001, RPC # 16-020-002 and RPC # 16-020-006), with conditions.

SP# 449 Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing to amend certain site plan conditions regarding the granting of utility easements in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO 15.5. Property is approximately 56,000 sq. ft.; located at 3445 Washington Blvd., (RPC# 15-086-011). Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: None. Applicable Policies: Washington Boulevard & Kirkwood Road SPECIAL GLUP STUDY “PLUS” and CONCEPT PLAN, GLUP Medium Office-Apartment-Hotel.


SP58-U-20-1 WBITN for an audio/visual studio in the RA4.8 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.2, §15.4.  Property is approximately 170,286 sq. ft.; located at 1011 Arlington Blvd (RPC#17-041-411). Applicable Policies: GLUP: Residential High-Medium

U-3170-07-1 Isabel Torrico for a family day care home for up to 12 children in the R-6 zoning district under ACZO §5.1, §5.7, §15.4. Property is approximately 6,600 sq.ft.; located at 5809 5th Road S (RPC# 21-028-077). Applicable Policies: GLUP “Low” Residential (1-10 units/acre).

U-3574-19-1 McDonald’s for a new drive-through layout with a dual ordering system for a fast food restaurant in the C-2 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.17, §15.4. Property is approximately 33,229 sq. ft.; located at 4834 Lee Highway (RPC# 07-006-002, -003, -004). Applicable Policies: GLUP “Low” Residential (1-10 units/acre).

U-3577-19-1 Arlington County for a public utility (Capital Bikeshare] in the S-3A zoning district under §4.1, §4.2, §15.4. Property is approximately 1,633,500 sq. ft.; located at 1325 S Dinwiddie Street (RPC# 28-017-001). Applicable Policies: GLUP Public.

U-3578-19-1 C CARE PRESCHOOL for a child care center for up to 70 children in the C-3 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.19, §15.4. Property is approximately 212,497 sq. ft.; located at 333 S Glebe Road (RPC# 24-015-01). Applicable Policies: GLUP:  Residential “Low-Medium”.

U-3580-19-1 Bennie Cole for a family day care home up to twelve (12) children in the R-6 zoning district under ACZO §5.1, §5.6, §15.4. Property is approximately 6,001 sq. ft.; located at 300 N Nottingham Street (RPC# 12-040-140). Applicable Policies: GLUP “Low” Residential (1-10 units/acre).



U-3257-10-2 Cherrydale Baptist Church for a summer day camp in the R-8 and R-6 zoning districts under ACZO §5.1, §5.5 and §5.6. Property is approximately 117,440 sq. ft.; located at 3910 Lorcom Lane (RPC# 05-045-008). Applicable Policies: GLUP Residential “Low” (1-10 units/acre).

U-3418-15-1 Paul Browne (Art House 7) for an art studio with instruction to children in the C-1 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.7, §15.4. Property is approximately 2,300 sq. ft.; located at 5535 and 5537 Lee Hwy. (RPC# 02-053-038, 02-053-039). Applicable Policies: GLUP Service Commercial.

U-3531-19-1 Emerson Doyle (EvolveAll Fitness) to allow martial arts instruction to children under the age of 18 at a fitness studio in the C-2 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.17, §12.5.20, & §15.4. Property is approximately 70,508 sq. ft.; located at 1058 S. Walter Reed Drive (RPC# 32-006-031, 032, 033, 034, 035). Applicable Policies: GLUP Service Commercial, Columbia Pike Form Based Code District.


U-2968-99-1 Hard Times Café for an outdoor café in the C-3 (General Commercial) zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.19. Property is approximately 4,192 sq. ft.; located at 3028 Wilson Boulevard (RPC# 18-012-003). Applicable Policies: GLUP “Medium Density Mixed Use”.

Kendra Jacobs, Clerk to the County Board

Publication dates February 25, 2020 & March 3, 2020


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE COUNTY BOARD OF ARLINGTON CO., VA, will hold a series of work sessions on the following dates and times in the County Board Room, 2100 Clarendon Blvd. 307, Arlington, VA 22201 for the purpose of discussing the FY2021 Proposed County Budget.

Information on the FY2021 Proposed Budget is available here.  All work sessions are open to the public and are broadcast/webcast live on Arlington TV (Comcast Ch. 74 and Verizon FiOS Ch. 39).  Archived video of each work session and presentations will be available on the FY2021 Budget Development website.

Click here to access the work session schedule from the County’s website.

March 2,2020 3-5:30pm
  • Department of Community Planning, Housing & Development (General Fund, Community Development Fund, CPHD Development Fund)
  • Housing/Safety Net
  • Department of Human Services
March 5, 2020 3-5pm
  • Department of Environmental Services (Stormwater Fund, General Fund, Utilities Fund, Auto, Printing Fund, Ballston Garage Fund)
March 10, 2020 3-5:30pm
  • Department of Parks and Recreation
  • Technology Services

March 17, 2020

  • Libraries
  • Economic Development, BIDs, CPRO, Lee Hwy Alliance Clarendon Alliance
March 26, 2020 3-6 pm
  • Fire, Police, Office of Emergency Management, Sheriff
March 31, 2020 3-5:30pm
  • Clerk of Circuit Court, General District Court, Juvenile & Domestic Relations District Court, Commonwealth’s Attorney, Circuit Court Judiciary, Magistrate, Office of Public Defender, Electoral Board, Treasurer, Commissioner of Revenue
April 2, 2020 3-6pm
  • Pay-As-You-Go Capital, Transportation Capital Fund, Metro Tax Increment Financing Areas, Debt Service, Compensation
April 3, 2020 4-6:30pm
  • Schools
April 7, 2020 3-5pm
  • Wrap-up-Board
April 14, 2020 3-5pm
  • Final budget decisions/ Mark-up


On February 20th, the County Manager provided an overview of the FY2021 Proposed Budget to the County Board. A recording of the Manager’s presentation is available here.  The County Board will hold work sessions with most County agencies and advisory commissions to discuss the Manager’s recommendations. No final decisions will be made on any budget topic until the Board adopts the FY 2021 budget in April 2020.

Kendra Jacobs, Clerk to the County Board


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE COUNTY BOARD OF ARLINGTON CO., VA, on Friday, March 13, 2020 in the County Board Room, 2100 Clarendon Blvd. 307,  Arlington, VA 22201 at 5:30PM, or as soon thereafter as matters may be heard, will hold a special meeting to convene a closed session for the purposes authorized by law. While the convocation and certification will be conducted publicly, the closed meeting itself will not be open to the public.

Kendra Jacobs, Clerk to the County Board