November 2019 - Legal Notices

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF ARLINGTON CO., VA, on November 4, 2019 in Room 307, 2100 Clarendon Blvd. at 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as matters may be heard, will hold Public Hearings on the following cases; and

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE COUNTY BOARD OF ARLINGTON CO., VA, on November 16, 2019 in Room 307, 2100 Clarendon Blvd. at 9:00 A.M. or as soon thereafter as matters may be heard, will consider the following cases, after offering the public an opportunity to be heard in a public hearing:

NOTE: Copies of proposed plans, ordinances, amendments and applications, and related planning case materials may be examined in the Zoning Office, Suite 1000; or text of proposed County Code amendments in County Board Clerk’s Office, Suite 300; 2100 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, VA, 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. weekdays. The term Site Plan in this notice refers to Special Exception in County Zoning Ordinance and is not the same as an engineering site plan or construction plans submitted in satisfaction of other codes or ordinances. The terms ACZO and GLUP means Arlington County Zoning Ordinance and General Land Use Plan, respectively.


ZOA-2019-10 Amendments to the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance §7.11, C-O-1.5 Mixed Use District; §7.13, C-O Mixed Use District; §7.15, C-O Rosslyn, Mixed Use Rosslyn District; §7.16, C-O Crystal City, Mixed Use Crystal City District; §9.5 Western Rosslyn Coordinated Redevelopment District; §12.3, Residential Use Standards; §15.5, Site Plans; & §18.2, General Terms Defined to modify the bonus density and height provisions for special exception site plan proposals and to modify the low- or moderate-income definition.

GP-347-19-1 General Land Use Plan amendment from “Low-Medium” Residential (16-36 units per acre) to “High-Medium” Residential Mixed-Use (up to 3.24 FAR including associated office and retail activities) for an area at 525 N Thomas St; and identified as (RPC# 20-012-009).

Z-2613-19-1 Rezoning from S-D Special Development District, RA8-18 Multiple-family Dwelling District, C-2 Service Commercial-Community Business District, and C-O-2.5 Mixed Use District to R-C Multiple-family Dwelling and Commercial District; for an approx. 269,558-sq.-ft. site located at 525 N Thomas St, 640 N Glebe Rd, 624 N Glebe Rd, 616 N Glebe Rd & 600 N Glebe Rd (RPC# 20-012-009, -018, -019, -020, -021, & -024).

SP# 72 SEHT North Glebe LLC to remove site area from the subject site plan in the C-O-2.5 & S-D zoning district under ACZO §4.1, §4.3, §7.1, §7.12, & §15.5. Area is approximately 157,210 sq. ft.; located at 600 N Glebe Rd & 525 N Thomas St (RPC# 20-012-021, & 20-012-009). Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan. Applicable Policies: GLUP “High-Medium” Residential Mixed-Use and “Low-Medium” Residential; N Quincy St Plan Addendum; & Ballston Sector Plan.

SP# 315 SEHT North Glebe LLC to incorporate approximately 255,939 sq. ft. of site area into the site plan; to construct up to 3.24 FAR of retail & residential uses, with approximately 77,575 sq. ft. of retail space & approximately 732 multi-family residential units in the R-C zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.3, & §15.5. Property is approximately 269,558 sq. ft.; located at 525 N Thomas St, 640 N Glebe Rd, 624 N Glebe Rd, 616 N Glebe Rd, & 600 N Glebe Rd (RPC# 20-012-009, -018, -019, -020, -021, & -024). The proposed density is approximately 3.21 FAR. Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: reduced loading, reduced parking ratios, and other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan. Applicable Policies: GLUP “High-Medium” Residential Mixed-Use and “Low-Medium” Residential; N Quincy St Plan Addendum; Ballston Sector Plan; and Policy for Grocery Stores.

SP315-U-19-1 SEHT North Glebe LLC for a new public open space in the R-C zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.3, §15.4, & §15.5. Property is approximately 28,241 sq. ft.; located at 525 N Thomas St, & a portion of 624 N Glebe Rd & 616 N Glebe Rd (RPC# 20-012-009, -019, -020). Applicable Policies: GLUP “High-Medium” Residential Mixed-Use; N Quincy St Plan Addendum.

GP-348-19-1 General Land Use Plan amendment from the Service Industry land use designation to the Public land use designation for an approximately 1.96-acre site located between S Four Mile Run Dr, Shirlington Road, S Nelson St, & 27th St S; & the addition of a General Location for Open Space triangle at Jennie Dean Park.

Z-2610-19-1 Rezoning from the M-1 Light Industrial (RPC# 29-002-004, 29-022-002, 29-022-006, 29-022-008-, 29-022-009, 29-022-010) and S-3A Special District (RPC #29-002-003) zoning districts to the P-S Public Service zoning district for seven parcels totaling approximately 14.6 acres.

SUBJECT: Enactment of an Ordinance to Vacate with Conditions, a portion of 27th Street S. from S. Nelson Street to the eastern boundary of Part Lot 30, Section I, Green Valley, D.B. 131, PG. 190, Corrected D.B. 575, PG. 399 (RPC # 29-002-003), and the point that is 7.49 feet east of the eastern boundary of Lot 24, Lots 12 through 34, Resubdivision of Lots 1-17, Green Valley, D.B. 720, PG. 242 (RPC # 29-022-006). (Published 10/22/19, 10/29/10 and 11/5/19)

SUBJECT: An amendment to the Master Transportation Plan (MTP) to remove 27th St S between S Nelson Rd & the point where the west boundary line of the WETA property (RPC #29-002-001) and the southern edge of 27th St S intersect.

SUBJECT: Certification of Transferable of Development Rights (TDR) of up to 206,329.5 sq. ft. on six County-owned parcels, identified as (RPC# 29-022-002, 29-022-006, 29-022-008, 29-022-009, 29-022-010, a portion of 29-002-003), & the vacated portion of 27th St S which is zoned M-1 Light Industrial to the street centerline.

GP-349-19-1 General Land Use Plan map and text amendments to modify and clarify the bonus height and density provisions for special exception site plan proposals, on the legend of the GLUP Map and pages 7 and 32 of the GLUP Booklet.


SUBJECT: Ordinance to amend, reenact, and recodify Chapter 46 (Arlington County Employees’ Supplemental Retirement System–II) of the Code of Arlington County, Virginia, Article IV, Sections 46-1, 46-29 and 46-31, relating to Membership Service Credit to allow employees to purchase of up to 4 years prior public service as creditable service in the Arlington County Employees’ Supplemental Retirement System (“ACERS”) and to incorporate minor technical clarifications regarding membership service credit.

SUBJECT: An ordinance to amend, reenact and recodify Chapter 14.2 Article II (Motor Vehicles and Traffic) of the Arlington County Code regulating riding and parking of motorized scooters, motorized skateboards and power-assisted bicycles on County streets, sidewalks and multi-use trails. The code amendments also propose the addition of Article X (Shared Micro-Mobility Services For-Hire, Permit Program) a permit system for the regulation of private companies offering motorized scooters, motorized skateboards or power-assisted bicycles for-hire on County street rights-of-way.

SUBJECT: Encroachment of Light Pole Foundations and Arm Areas and Overhead Strings of Lights into an Existing Easement for Public Street and Utilities Purposes in Sidewalk Area Along the Western Side of South Hayes Street Associated with an Outdoor Café in front of Pentagon City Mall, on Property Known as Parcel C-2-B-5 Fashion Centre Associates, RPC #35-005-029, with Conditions.

SUBJECT: Encroachment of Fencing and Associated Tray Tops into an Existing Easement for Public Street and Utilities Purposes in Sidewalk Area Along the Western Side of South Hayes Street Associated with an Outdoor Café in front of Pentagon City Mall, on Property Known as Parcel C-2-B-5 Fashion Centre Associates, RPC #35-005-029, with Conditions.

SUBJECT: Vacation of a portion of the right-of-way for Crystal Drive located on the western boundary of Crystal Drive near the intersection of Crystal Drive and 15th Street South, adjacent to the northeastern portion of Parcel 2A, Crystal Square, RPC# 34-020-273, with conditions.

SUBJECT: Vacation of: 1) a 15’ Public Water Service Easement; and 2) a Portion of a 10′ Storm Sewer Easement, both on property known as 600 N. Glebe Rd., (RPC# 20-012-021), with conditions.


SP#432 LG Rolfe Street LLC to amend Condition #56.D of the approved site plan to revise the size of the Public Park dedication area for the site plan (Gables North Rolfe Street). Property is approximately 89,000 sq. ft.; located at 1351 N. Rolfe St, 1353 N. Rolfe St, 1800 14th St N. & 1723 Fairfax Drive (RPC# 17-024-031, -033 & -034).

PDSP #346 W2005/Potomac Yard E-West, LLC for modifications to conditions related to retail density for Land Bay E-West and to amend the Potomac Yard Design Guidelines, in the C-O-1.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.11, §15.5. Property is approximately 58,935 sq. ft (Land Bay E-West).; located on certain parcels of land known as Potomac Yard (RPC# 34-027-060, -061, -062, -063, -067, -068, -071, -072, -073 through –545, -549, -551, -553, -557, -558, -559, -560, -562, -563, -564, -566, -567, -568, -569, -570, -572, -573, -574, and -575). Applicable Policies: GLUP Note 18: Potomac Yard Phased-Development Site Plan, and “Medium” Residential 1/3 and “Low” Office-Apartment-Hotel 2/3.

SP #346 W2005/Potomac Yard E-West, LLC for a site plan amendment to allow for 8,490 sq. ft. of retail space on the ground floor and 5,950 sq. Ft. of office space on the second floor to be used for a childcare use in the C-O-1.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.11, §15.5. Property is approximately 58,935 sq. ft.; located at 3550 S Clark St (RPC# 34-027-567). Overall density will not be altered, and no modifications of zoning ordinance requirements are being requested. Applicable Policies: GLUP Note 18: Potomac Yard Phased-Development Site Plan, GLUP “Medium” Residential 1/3 and “Low” Office-Apartment-Hotel 2/3.


SP194-U-19-3 Renegade Coffee and Kitchen for live entertainment in the in the C-O zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.13, §15.4. Property is approximately 59,099 sq. ft.; located at 3100 Clarendon Blvd. (RPC# 19-002-007). Applicable Policies: GLUP “High” Office-Apartment-Hotel; GLUP Note #12.

SP346-U-19-2 Bright Horizons Children’s Centers, LLC for a new use permit for a childcare center for up to 160 children in the C-O-1.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.11, §15.4. Property is approximately 58,935 sq. Ft.; located at 3550 S Clark St. (RPC# 34-027-567). Applicable Policies: GLUP “Medium” Residential 1/3 and “Low” Office-Apartment-Hotel 2/3; and GLUP Note 18: Potomac Yard Phased-Development Site Plan.

U-3468-16-1 Arlington County School Board for use permit amendment to modify conditions related to the timing of conditioned deliverables and the issuance of certificate of occupancy in the S-3A zoning district under ACZO §4.1, §4.2, §15.4. Property is approximately 113,256 sq. ft.; located at 1601 Wilson Blvd (RPC# 16-032-001). Applicable Policies: GLUP Public, Western Rosslyn Coordinated Redevelopment District.

U-3565-19-1 Aracelly Treminio for family day care of up to nine (9) children in the R-5 zoning district under ACZO §5.7, §5.1.4, §15.4. Property is approximately 5,785 sq. ft.; located at 3232 13th St S.; and is identified as (RPC# 32-017-025). Applicable Policies: GLUP Residential “Low” (1-10 units/acre).

 U-3566-19-1 Francis and Charmaine Sriwardene for a family day care home for up to twelve (12) children (A for Apple Charmaine’s Daycare) in the R-6 zoning district under ACZO §5.1, §5.6, §12.9.9, & §15.4. Property is approximately 7,000 sq. ft.; located at 5220 5th St N (RPC# 13-044-045). Applicable Policies: GLUP “Low” Residential (1-10 units per acre).

U-3567-19-1 Clarendon Animal Care for a veterinary clinic in the CP-FBC zoning district under ACZO §11.1 (Appendix A). Property is approximately 130,430 sq. ft.; located at 940 S. George Mason Drive (RPC# 23-034-017). Applicable Policies: Columbia Pike Special Revitalization District.


SP #298 American Tap Room for review of outdoor café in the C-R zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.20, §15.4, §15.5. Property is approximately 49,267 sq. ft.; located at 3101 Wilson Blvd., Suite 100 (RPC# 15-071-031). Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Density Mixed-Use and Clarendon Revitalization District.


U-3525-18-1 Saeid Pooresmaeil for a vehicle service establishment in the C-2 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.17, §15.4. Property is approximately 3,105.47 sq. ft.; located at 4615 Columbia Pike (RPC# 23-037-004). Applicable Policies: GLUP Service Commercial. Columbia Pike Special Revitalization District.


U-2833-95-4 Arlington County Department of Environmental Services for governmental facilities (County Mulch Pile and Leaf Storage Site) in the S-3A, Special District under ACZO §4.1, §4.2, & §15.4. Property is approximately 169,309 sq. ft.; located at 4634 & 4712 26th St N. (RPC# 03-063-006; -008).  Applicable Policies: GLUP: “Public”.

Kendra Jacobs, Clerk to the County Board
Publication dates October 22 & October 29, 2019