September 2019 - Legal Notices

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF ARLINGTON CO., VA, on September 9, 2019 in Room 307, 2100 Clarendon Blvd. at 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as matters may be heard, will hold Public Hearings on the following cases; and

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE COUNTY BOARD OF ARLINGTON CO., VA, on September 21, 2019 in Room 307, 2100 Clarendon Blvd. at 9:00 A.M. or as soon thereafter as matters may be heard, will consider the following cases, after offering the public an opportunity to be heard in a public hearing:

NOTE: Copies of proposed plans, ordinances, amendments and applications, and related planning case materials may be examined in the Zoning Office, Suite 1000; or text of proposed County Code amendments in County Board Clerk’s Office, Suite 300; 2100 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, VA, 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. weekdays. The term Site Plan in this notice refers to Special Exception in County Zoning Ordinance and is not the same as an engineering site plan or construction plans submitted in satisfaction of other codes or ordinances. The terms ACZO and GLUP means Arlington County Zoning Ordinance and General Land Use Plan, respectively.


Items Associated with Rosslyn Holiday Inn:

Z-2611-19-1 Rosslyn Syndicate, LC c/o Dittmar Company Rezoning from C-O, Mixed-Use District and S-3A, Special District, to C-O-Rosslyn, Mixed-Use Rosslyn District; for the property known as 1900 N. Fort Myer Dr portions of vacated 20th Street N., and Parcel Q (RPC# 16-022-003; -004, & 16-015-100).

SP #79 Rosslyn Syndicate, LC c/o Dittmar Company for major site plan amendment redevelopment containing approx. 502 residential units, approx. 375 hotel keys (and an approx. 37,417 sq. ft. conference center) and approx. 14,412 sq. ft. of retail GFA for a total of approx. 782,080 sq. ft. of GFA in the C-O-Rosslyn, Mixed-Use Rosslyn District under ACZO §. 7.1, §7.15, §15.5; located at 1900 N. Fort Myer Dr (RPC# 16-022-003; -004, & 16-015-100). Proposed Density is approx. 9.91 FAR. Modification of zoning standards; density exclusions for below-grade storage and utility rooms and above-grade vertical shafts; parking ratio and compact parking percentage; placement standards; residential use standards (for short-term stay less than 30 days in up to 70 residential units); and all other modifications necessary to achieve the proposed development. Applicable policies: GLUP High Residential; Note 15: Rosslyn Coordinated Redevelopment District.

SUBJECT: Vacation of a portion of the right-of-way for 20th Street North, running east from North Nash Street to North Fort Myer Dr. at the northern boundary of Lots 1, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26, Rosslyn Farms, (RPC #16-022-003 & #16-022-004).

SUBJECT: Vacation of: a) a portion of Easement for Public Street and Utilities Purposes located parallel to North Fort Myer Drive, running south from 20th Street North, on Lots 1 through 3, Block 15, Rosslyn Farms, RPC #16-022-003, -004; and b) a portion of Easement for Public Street Purposes and Public Utilities located parallel to N. Fort Myer Dr, running north from Outlot B, on Lots10 through 4, Block 15, Rosslyn Farms, (RPC #16-022-004) (“Attachment 3”).

ZOA-2019-09 Amendments to Articles 4, 6, 7, and 18 of the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance (ACZO) to create a row in the Public (P) districts use table for nursing homes, to allow assisted living facilities and nursing homes by site plan approval in the RA8-18 district, to specify standards for minimum lot size, maximum height, and maximum floor area ratio in the special exception table for density and dimensional standards found in §6.3.4.C, to allow assisted living facilities by site plan approval in the C-O-1.0, C-O-1.5, and C-O-2.5 districts, to add assisted living facilities to the list of institutional uses referenced in the special exception tables for density and dimensional standards found in §7.10.3.B, §7.11.3.B, & §7.12.3.B, and to modify and update the definition for assisted living facility specified in §18.2 (General Terms Defined).

U-3546-19-1 Westmont Properties, L.C., C/O Republic Land Development to construct project containing 250 residential dwelling units and 22,500 sq. ft. of retail, with modification pursuant to the Form Based Code for finished floor elevation for ground floor retail in the C-2 zoning district under ACZO §7.17. Property is approximately 79,237 sq. ft.; located at 3233-3263 Columbia Pike (RPC# 25-012-001). Applicable Policies: Columbia Pike Form Based Code.

SUBJECT: Adoption of an update to the Community Energy Plan, one of 11 elements of the Arlington County Comprehensive Plan.


SUBJECT: Acceptance of a Quitclaim Deed from the Commonwealth and Approval of Agreement of Sale between the County Board of Arlington County, Virginia and Rosslyn Syndicate, LC, c/o Dittmar Company, both for certain real property known as Parcel Q, Returned Route 66 Property, Rosslyn, (RPC #16-015-100).

SUBJECT: Vacation of a portion of an existing Easement for Public Utilities running from North Nash Street east to North Fort Myer Drive, located on Outlot B, Rosslyn Farms, (RPC #16-022-004).

SUBJECT: Encroachment of an underground electric vault into an Easement for Public Street and Utilities Purposes and the right-of-way for North Nash Street, located at the western boundary of Lots 16, 17 and 18, Rosslyn Farms, (RPC #16-022-004).

SUBJECT: Ordinance of Encroachment to permit a portion of an underground electric vault within an easement for sidewalk and utilities purposes on the western boundary of Part Lot 1-A, George F. Marcey’s Estate, RPC #14-045-003, running north to south along North Quincy Street, with conditions.

SUBJECT:  Ordinance to expand the boundaries of the Crystal City Business Improvement Service District to include areas of Pentagon City and Potomac Yard of Arlington County, which include the following properties: 575 12th Rd. S.; 520, 601, 701 12th St. S.; 550, 14th Rd. S.; 501, 525, 590, 801, 901 15th St. S.; 505, 735 18th St. S.; 550, 600 Army Navy Dr.; 2733, 2777, 2881 Crystal Dr.; 2804, 3100, 3150 Richmond Hwy (Jefferson Davis Hwy.); 2800, 2850, 3400, 3920 Potomac Ave.; 3535 S. Ball St.; 3500, 3550 S. Clark St.; 1232, 1400, 1410, 1420, 1430, 1440, 1450, 1600, 1900 S. Eads St.; 1199, 1200, 1211, 1221, 1301, 1311, 1401, 1411 S. Fern St.; 3600, 3650 S. Glebe Rd.; 1600, 1740 S. Hayes St.; 1601 S. Ives St.; 1401 S. Joyce St. (RPC #s 35003834; 35003023; 35003840; 35003835; 35004004; 35003003; 35003836; 35004006; 35003837; 35003001; 35005022; 35011009; 35003838; 35003002; 35005023; 35011001; 35008001; 35003031; 35003438; 35004007; 34027060; 34027061; 34027071; 34027072; 34027564; 34027572; 37026001; 37037002; 37037052; 34027056; 34027062; 34027067; 34027068; 34027547; 34027562; 34027563; 34027063; 34027570; 34027566; 34027567; 34027568; 34027569; 34027573; 35003015; 35003016; 35003017; 35003018; 35003019; 35003020; 35003021; 35011010; 35011011; 36018014; 35003004; 35003005; 35003006; 35003007; 35003008; 35003032; 35003033; 35003436; 35003839; 35004010; 35004011; 35004012; 35004013; 35004014; 35004015; 35004016; 34027073; 34027074; 34027320; 34027322; 34027323; 34027324; 35005015; 35008004; 35008231; 35005003; 35005034).
Publication dates: August 30, September 6 and September 13, 2019

SUBJECT: Ordinance to amend, reenact and recodify Chapter 30 (Peddlers, Vendors and Canvassers) of the Arlington County Code to clarify the hours mobile vending is permitted and provide the County Manager greater flexibility in establishing on-street vending zones.

Publication dates: September 4 and September 11, 2019


SP# 20 Federated Wireless for a site plan amendment to remove conditions related to the rooftop sign in the C-O-A zoning district under ACZO 7.1, §7.14, §15.5. Property is approximately 47,580 sq. ft.; located at 4075 Wilson Blvd (RPC# 14-044-022). Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include signage and other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan. Applicable Policies: GLUP Coordinated Mixed-Use Development District.

SP# 193 FC Ballston Common, LLC and Ballston Acquisition Company, LLC for a site plan amendment to modify conditions related to the pedestrian bridge associated with the Ballston Quarter development project in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.12, & §15.5. Property is approximately 133,233 sq. ft.; located at 4100 & 4238 Wilson Blvd (RPC# 14-059-046, -047). Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan. Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Office-Apartment-Hotel.

SP# 193  NDH II Point LLC to allow addition of an entry vestibule with a permanent canopy structure, conversion of 2,032 sf of retail to tenant amenity space, removal of a portion of the second floor of the building and addition of a mezzanine level, and conversion of 317 sq. ft. of retail to office corridor space; in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.12, §15.5.  Property is approximately 52,837 sq. ft.; located at 4300 Wilson Blvd (RPC# 14-059-040).  Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: all modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan. Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Office-Apartment-Hotel.

SP# 346 Potomac Yard Land Venture LLC and Lidl US LLC to extend the term of the Final Site Plan for Land Bay C in the C-O-1.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.11, §15.5.  Property is approximately 189,341 sq. ft.; located on Crystal Dr (RPC# 34-027-071, -072). Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include:  modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Residential 1/3 and Low Office-Apartment-Hotel 2/3; GLUP Note 18: Potomac Yard Phased-Development Site Plan.

SP# 409 1776 Wilson 2014 LLC to allow retail spaces to be leased to tenants fitting the description of “retail equivalent” in the Arlington County Retail Plan, in the C-O-2.5 zoning ACZO § 7.1, §7.12, §15.5.  Property is approximately 41,460 sq. ft.; located at 1776 Wilson Blvd (RPC# 17-010-195). Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: all modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Office-Apartment-Hotel.

SP# 442 ML Century LLC to extend the term of the Site Plan for the Century Center project in the C-O- Crystal City zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.16, & §15.5. Property is approximately 651,615 sq. ft.; located on Crystal Dr. at 2351 Richmond Hwy (RPC #34-020-032). Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include:  modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan. Applicable Policies: GLUP High Office-Apartment-Hotel; Crystal City Sector Plan; Crystal City Coordinated Redevelopment District.


SP435-U-19-1 Bush Construction for a temporary off-site contractor’s storage and staging yard in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §12.10.3 and §15.4.  Property is approximately 23,000 sq. ft.; located at 2026 and 2038 Wilson Boulevard (RPC# 17-011-011, -012). Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Office-Apartment-Hotel.

U-3318-11-1 Crystal City Business Improvement District for a use permit amendment to modify the location of the open-air market in the C-0-1.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.11, §15.4. Property is approximately 322,901 sq. ft.; located at 2011-2121 Crystal Dr (RPC# 34-020-233, -234). Applicable Policies: GLUP Low Office-Apartment-Hotel; Crystal City Coordinated Redevelopment District; Crystal City Sector Plan.

U-3426-15-1 Gilliam Place, LLC, Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing to modify condition #16.2.e., pertaining to EarthCraft Credits and Sustainable Design Elements for the Gilliam Place development, specifically to change the deadline for Earthcraft certification to align with the issuance of the Master Certificate of Occupancy. Property is approximately 56,761 sq. ft.; located at 3507 Columbia Pike (RPC# 23-040-015) and 918 S. Lincoln St (RPC# 23-040-016). Applicable Policies: Columbia Pike Form Based Code.

U-3505-17-1 Cesar G. Saba (A+ Kids Fun and Creative Learning Center) for a use permit amendment to expand an existing child care center from 60 children to 84 children in the C-TH zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.18, §15.4. Property is approximately 72,538 sq. ft.; located at 925 N Garfield St (RPC# 18-029-007). Applicable Policies: GLUP Service Commercial; Clarendon Revitalization District.

U-3544-19-1 O’Sullivan’s Irish Pub for outdoor seating within a public right of way and easement area in the C-3 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.19, §12.9.15, §15.4. Property is approximately 10,309 sq. ft.; located at 3201 Washington Blvd (RPC# 15-078-001). Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Density Mixed Use; Clarendon Special Revitalization District.

U-3545-19-1 St. Michaels Episcopal Church/Ladybug Academy for child care center in the R-6 zoning district under ACZO §5.1, §5.6, §15.4. Property is approximately 29,657 sq. ft.; located at 1132 N. Ivanhoe St (RPC# 09-061-001). Applicable Policies: GLUP Low Residential (1-10 units/acre).

U-3547-19-1 Sydney’s Bar and Lounge for live entertainment in the C-2 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.17, §15.4. Property is approximately 18,245 sq. ft.; located at 2620 Shirlington Rd (RPC# 31-033-001). Applicable Policies GLUP Service Commercial and GLUP Low Office-Apartment-Hotel; Nauck Village Center Special Revitalization District.

U-3548-19-1 Campbell Elementary School for an existing public school facility and relocatables in the S-3A zoning district under ACZO §4.1, §15.4. Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements includes the replacement of relocatables and other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan. Property is approximately 71,919 sq. ft.; located at 737 S. Carlin Springs Rd (RPC# 22-001-086). Applicable Policies: GLUP Public and GLUP Government and Community Facilities.

U-3549-19-1 Sandra Milena Bello Castro for a use permit for a day care home (Les Petits Curieux Day Care) for up to 12 children in the R2-7 zoning district under ACZO §5.9, §15.4. Property is approximately 2,850 sq. ft; located at 2841 S. Glebe Rd (RPC #38-018-005). Applicable Policies: GLUP Low Residential (11-15 units/acre).



SP-193-U-18-7 FC Ballston Common LLC and Ballston Acquisition Company LLC for an outdoor café located in a public easement in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.12, §12.9.15, §15.4, §15.5. Property is approximately 585,079 sq. ft.; located at 4100 & 4238 Wilson Blvd (RPC# 14-059-046 & -047). Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Office-Apartment-Hotel; Ballston Sector Plan.


U-2795-93-1 Darna Restaurant for live entertainment and dancing in the C-2 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.17, §15.4. Property is approximately 12,000 sq. ft.; located at 946 N. Jackson St. (RPC# 14-033-013). Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Density Mixed-Use; Special Coordinated Mixed-Use District.

U-3452-16-1 Rebellion on the Pike for an outdoor café within the public right-of-way in the C-2 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.17, §15.4. Property is approximately 3,298 sq. ft.; located at 2900 Columbia Pike (RPC# 32-006-011).  Applicable Policies: GLUP Service Commercial; Columbia Pike Revitalization District.

U-3494-17-1 Little Ambassadors’ Academy for a child care center with up to 155 children in the C-1 and R-6 zoning districts under ACZO §5.1, §5.6, §7.1, §7.7, & §15.4. Property is approximately 23,940 sq. ft.; located at 5801 & 5901 Lee Hwy (RPC# 01-056-019). Applicable Policies: GLUP Low Residential (1-10 units/acre).U-3524-18-1 iSprout STE(A)M Academy for a Child Care Center in the R-5 zoning district under ACZO §5.1, §5.7, §15.4. Property is approximately 34,000 sq. ft.; located at 1601 13th Road S (RPC# 33-009-001). Applicable Policies: GLUP Low Residential.

SP-193-U-18-1 FC Ballston Common LLC and Ballston Acquisition Company LLC for an outdoor café located in a public easement in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.12, §12.9.15, §15.4, §15.5. Property is approximately 585,079 sq. ft.; located at 4100 & 4238 Wilson Blvd (RPC# 14-059-046 & -047). Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Office-Apartment-Hotel; Ballston Sector Plan.

SP-193-U-18-2 FC Ballston Common LLC and Ballston Acquisition Company LLC for an outdoor café located in a public easement in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.12, §12.9.15, §15.4, §15.5.  Property is approximately 585,079 sq. ft.; located at 4100 & 4238 Wilson Blvd (RPC# 14-059-046 & -047). Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Office-Apartment-Hotel; Ballston Sector Plan.

SP-193-U-18-3 FC Ballston Common LLC and Ballston Acquisition Company LLC for an outdoor café located in a public easement in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.12, §12.9.15, §15.4, §15.5. Property is approximately 585,079 sq. ft.; located at 4100 & 4238 Wilson Blvd (RPC# 14-059-046, -047). Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Office-Apartment-Hotel; Ballston Sector Plan.SP-193-U-18-4 FC Ballston Common LLC and Ballston Acquisition Company LLC for an outdoor café located in a public easement in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.12, §12.9.15, §15.4, §15.5. Property is approximately 585,079 sq. ft.; located at 4100 & 4238 Wilson Blvd (RPC# 14-059-046, -047). Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Office-Apartment-Hotel; Ballston Sector Plan.

SP-193-U-18-5 FC Ballston Common LLC and Ballston Acquisition Company LLC for an outdoor café located in a public easement in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.12, §12.9.15, §15.4, §15.5. Property is approximately 585,079 sq. ft.; located at 4100 & 4238 Wilson Blvd (RPC# 14-059-046, -047). Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Office-Apartment-Hotel; Ballston Sector Plan.

SP-193-U-18-6 FC Ballston Common LLC and Ballston Acquisition Company LLC for an outdoor café located in a public easement in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.12, §12.9.15, §15.4, §15.5. Property is approximately 585,079 sq. ft.; located at 4100 & 4238 Wilson Blvd (RPC# 14-059-046, -047). Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Office-Apartment-Hotel; Ballston Sector Plan.

SP335-U-18-1 CAVA for an outdoor café in the C-O-Rosslyn zoning district under ACZO §7.15, §15.4, §15.5. Property is approximately 96,860 sq. ft.; located at 1811, 1812 & 1881 N. Moore St; 1201 & 1213 Wilson Blvd (RPC# 16-038-001, -002, -003, -004, -014, -015). Applicable Policies: GLUP High Office Apartment Hotel; GLUP Note #15 Rosslyn Coordinated Redevelopment District.

SP-413-U-18-1 Domino’s Pizza for a food delivery service in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.12, §15.4, §15.5. Property is approximately 22,887 sq. ft.; located at 550 N. Quincy St (RPC# 14-060-074). Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Office-Apartment-Hotel; N. Quincy St Coordinated Mixed-Use District.


SP418-U-15-3 Clarendon Entertainment Group, LLC d/b/a Citizen Burger for a three-year review of a use permit associated with a site plan for an outdoor cafe in the C-3 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.19, §15.4. Property is approximately 49,295 sq. ft.; located at 1051 N. Highland St (RPC# 18-026-004). Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Density Mixed-Use; GLUP Note 12.


SP# 25 Le Meridien Hotel for a review of conversion of retail space to office in the C-O-Rosslyn zoning district under ACZO §15.5. Property is approximately 900 sq. ft.; located at 1121 19th St N (RPC# 16-018-146).  Applicable Policies: Rosslyn Coordinated Redevelopment District, GLUP High Office-Apartment-Hotel.

SP# 239 Pizza Autentica for outdoor seating in the public right of way in the C-O-A zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.14, §15.5. Property is approximately 48,219 sq. ft.; located at 850 N Randolph St (RPC# 14-047-020). Applicable Policies: GLUP Coordinated Mixed-Use Development District.

Kendra Jacobs, Clerk to the County Board

Publication dates August 27 & September 3, 2019