September 2023 - Legal Notices



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF ARLINGTON CO., VA, on September 11, 2023 at 2100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 307, Arlington, Virginia 22201 in a meeting at 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as matters may be heard, will consider the following cases, after offering the public an opportunity to be heard in a public hearing. The public may attend the meeting in person or virtually via live stream at, YouTube, and local cable stations on Comcast 25 & 1085 and Verizon FiOS 39 & 40. To sign-up to speak at the meeting either in person or virtually, visit or call 703-228-0095, for further assistance.  Speaker requests can be completed and submitted to the Clerk at least one week in advance of the meeting.  To guarantee public testimony, registration must be completed at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE COUNTY BOARD OF ARLINGTON CO., VA, on September 23, 2023 at 2100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 307, Arlington Virginia 22201 in a meeting at 9:00 A.M. or as soon thereafter as matters may be heard, will consider the following cases, after offering the public an opportunity to be heard in a public hearing. 

Sign up to speak in advance at or call 703-228-3130 between 8am and 5pm starting the week before the meeting. Members of the public may participate virtually and in person. Speaker sign up will also be available in-person on the day of the meeting.  The meeting will be available via live stream at and local cable stations on Comcast 25 & 1085 and Verizon FiOS 39 & 40. Visit the County Board Meetings and Agendas page one week before the meeting for a full list of agenda items. Contact the County Board Office to request reasonable accommodations.

NOTE: Copies of proposed plans, ordinances, amendments and applications, and related planning case materials may be examined by appointment in the Planning Division Office, Suite 700 , 2100 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, VA. Appointments may be scheduled by contacting the Planning Division at (703) 228-3525 or; or text of proposed County Code amendments may be examined in the County Board Clerk’s Office, Suite 300; 2100 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, VA by contacting staff at (703) 228-3130. The term Site Plan in this notice refers to a Special Exception Site Plan as defined in the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance and is not the same as an engineering site plan or construction plans submitted in satisfaction of other codes or ordinances.  The terms ACZO and GLUP means Arlington County Zoning Ordinance and General Land Use Plan, respectively.


SPLN21-00009 Bingham Center Holdings, LLC for a site plan to construct approximately 413,830 sq.ft. in total density including approximately 143,564 sq.ft. Hotel GFA and approximately 270,266 sq.ft. Residential GFA in the C-3 zoning district under ACZO §7.19, §9.2, and §15.5. Property is approximately 81,062 sq. ft.; located at 3200 Wilson Blvd. (RPC# 19-003-002, -003, -004, -005, -006, -007, -008, - 009, -013, -014, -015, -016). The proposed density is approximately 5.09 FAR. Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: reduced parking and loading requirements, additional density, density exclusions, design requirements, and other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP “Medium Density Mixed-Use”, Clarendon Revitalization District (Note 12); Clarendon Sector Plan.

REZN22-00005 Revera US Arlington Propco, LLC for a rezoning from “R-6” One-Family Dwelling District and “R-5” One-Family and Restricted Two-Family Dwelling District to “S-D” Special Development District; for an approximately 91,064 sf area located at 716 S. Glebe Road (RPC# 23-028-016, -026, -027, -028, -030, -031).

SPLN22-00007 Revera US Arlington Propco, LLC for a site plan to construct up to approximately 1.06 FAR total density for an assisted living facility, including approximately 96,291 sf of residential gross floor area and 99 units, in the S-D zoning district under ACZO §4.3, & §15.5. Property is approximately 91,064 sf; located at 716 S. Glebe Road (RPC# 23-028-016, -026, -027, -028, -030, -031). The proposed density is approximately 1.06 FAR.  Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: reduced residential parking ratio, front setback, and other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan. Applicable Policies: GLUP “Semi-Public” and “Low” Residential.

ZOA-2023-10, FBC-33, N-FBC-19 An ordinance to amend, reenact, and recodify the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance (ACZO) Sections 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 9.6, Appendix A (Columbia Pike Special Revitalization District Form Based Code) and Appendix B (Columbia Pike Neighborhoods Special Revitalization District Form Based Code) to: 

  • Expand list of permitted uses beyond what is listed in the use table found in Section 6.1 of the Zoning Ordinance for RA zoned properties which may exist within either the Fort Myer Heights North Special District, Green Valley Center Special Revitalization District, Columbia Pike Special Revitalization District, Columbia Pike Neighborhoods Special Revitalization District, or the Pentagon City Coordinated Redevelopment District, as shown on the GLUP;
  • Introduce exception for various building height limitations restricting elder care uses found in each of the RA zoning districts for properties which may exist within either the Fort Myer Heights North Special District, Green Valley Center Special Revitalization District, Columbia Pike Special Revitalization District, Columbia Pike Neighborhoods Special Revitalization District, or the Pentagon City Coordinated Redevelopment District, as shown on the GLUP;
  • Better accommodate the Pentagon City Sector Plan guidance to establish maximum commercial densities, permit retail/retail equivalent uses and permitted building heights for elder care uses in areas of Pentagon City zoned RA6-15;
  • Amend the Building Envelope Standards for Main Street and Avenue sites to establish elder care uses as a permitted use within the Commercial Form Based Code; and
  • Amend the Building Use Table to establish elder care uses as a permitted use within the Neighborhoods Form Based Code.

SUBJECT: Ordinance to Vacate a Portion of South Walter Reed Drive adjacent to Lots 94 and 95, Arlington Plateau, being part of the property known as the Arlington Career Center owned by the Arlington County School Board, 816 S. Walter Reed Dr., Arlington, Virginia (RPC# 25-014-004 and 25-014-010), with conditions.

SUBJECT: Ordinance(s) of Vacation to vacate: 1) a 1,429 square foot portion of a 12 foot wide public alley located between Wilson Boulevard and 10th Street North, adjacent to 3200 and 3240 Wilson Blvd., RPC Nos. 19-003-006, -007, -013; 2) a 3,171 square foot portion of a 12 foot wide public alley located between Wilson Boulevard and 10th Street North, adjacent to 3258 and 3260 Wilson Blvd., and 3211 and 3217 10th St. N., RPC Nos. 19-003-002, -003, -005, -015, and -016; and 3) a 1,586 square foot portion of a public street and utilities easement on the south side of Wilson Boulevard and the west side of North Irving Street, of property identified as 3200 Wilson Boulevard, RPC Nos. 19-003-007, -008, -013; all with conditions.


SUBJECT: Second Amendment to Deed of Lease between the County Board of Arlington County, Virginia as landlord and Vintage Restaurant Inc., a Virginia corporation t/a Ragtime, as tenant for space located at 1345 N. Courthouse Road, Arlington, Virginia (RPC # 17-016-191).

SUBJECT: Approval of a Right of Way Agreement between the County Board of Arlington County, Virginia and Virginia Electric and Power Company for a permanent easement for a guy wire pole on a portion of Part Lot 1-A Block 10 Section 2 Oakcrest, owned by the County Board, known as S. Glebe Rd, Arlington, VA, (RPC# 38-006-004).

SUBJECT: An ordinance to amend, reenact and recodify Chapter 10, Article II (Condition of Private Property Ordinance) of the Arlington County Code to amend and clarify definitions and responsibilities.


SPLA23-00017 CESC Park One Land L.L.C. and CESC Park Three Land L.L.C. for a site plan amendment to SP #167 (Crystal Park) to modify conditions related to rooftop signs for Crystal Park 1 and Crystal Park 3 in the C-O-1.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.11 and §15.5. Property is located at 2011 Crystal Dr. and 2231 Crystal Dr., (RPC #34-020-233, and -235). Applicable Policies: GLUP “Low” Office-Apartment-Hotel; Crystal City Coordinated Redevelopment District (Note 1); Crystal City Sector Plan.

SPLA23-00023 CESC Mall Land LLC to amend SP #421 and SP #56 to modify site plan conditions related to site work sequencing, easement conveyances, and public park easement configurations in the C-O Crystal City zoning district under ACZO §7.16 & §15.5.  Property is approximately 140,000 sq. ft.; located at 1900 Crystal Drive (RPC# 34-026-037, -041, -042, -043).  Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP “High” Office-Apartment-Hotel, Crystal City Coordinated Redevelopment District (Note #1); Crystal City Sector Plan.

SPLA23-00029 Medstar Urgent Care, LLC to amend SP #64 to modify site plan condition(s) related to window transparency requirements in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.12 and §15.5.  Property is approximately 90,487 sq. ft.; located at 1000 N. Glebe Road (RPC# 14-013-052). Applicable Policies: GLUP “Medium” Office-Apartment-Hotel, Ballston Sector Plan, and Arlington County Retail Plan.

SPLA23-00032 Rosslyn Syndicate, LC for a site plan amendment to SP #79 to reallocate approximately 2,295 sf of residential floor area (3 units) to hotel floor area with no net change in total density and revise parking garage layouts and parking provided for The Key in the C-O Rosslyn zoning district under ACZO §7.15 & §15.5.  Property is approximately 78,918 sq. ft.; located at 1900 Fort Myer Drive (RPC# 16-022-257). Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP: “High” Residential and Rosslyn Coordinated Redevelopment District (Note 15); and Rosslyn Sector Plan.

SPLA23-00034 SEHT North Glebe, LLC to amend SP #315 conditions related to the timing of affordable housing provisions in the R-C zoning district under ACZO §7.3 and §15.5.  Property is approximately 269,558 sq. ft.; located at 600 and 624 N. Glebe Rd. and 525 N. Thomas St. (RPC#s 20-012-009, -398, and -399). Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP “High-Medium Residential Mixed-Use”; North Quincy Street Plan Addendum.

SPLA23-00037 Rosslyn Hotel Associates, LLC to amend SP #260 to permit replacement signage for the Residence Inn by Marriott hotel in the RA-H-3.2 zoning district under ACZO §7.5 & §15.5.  Property is approximately 30,123 sq. ft.; located at 1651 N. Oak Street (RPC# 17-003-025, -024, and -023). Applicable Policies: GLUP “High” Residential and Rosslyn Sector Plan.


UPER23-00032 Sellapperumage Roshanie Fernando for Family day care home, Cuddle Care in the R-6 zoning district under ACZO §5.6 and §15.4.  Property is approximately 6,454 sq. ft.; located at 873 Patrick Henry Dr. (RPC# 12-018-010).  Applicable Policies: GLUP “Low” Residential.



SP105-U-22-1 Family Foundations LLC II d/b/a Celebree School of National Landing for a use permit for a child care center for up to 192 students (Celebree School of National Landing) in the C-O-2.5 Mixed Use zoning district under ACZO §7.12 & §15.4.  Property is approximately 14,167 sq. ft.; located at 1321 S. Elm Street (RPC #35-003-842).  Applicable Policies: GLUP "High" Office-Apartment-Hotel, and Pentagon City Coordinated Redevelopment District (Note 4); Metropolitan Park Design Guidelines.

SP193-U-22-1 Grace Community Church for a use permit for a child care center (Pathways Learning Academy) for up to 94 children in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.12 & §15.4. Property is approximately 133,261 sq. ft.; located at 4238 Wilson Blvd. (RPC# 14-059-047). Applicable Policies: GLUP “Medium” Office-Apartment-Hotel; Ballston Sector Plan.

SP339-U-22-1 Seamore’s Sustainable Seafood Restaurant for a use permit for an outdoor cafe within a public access easement in the C-O-1.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.11 & §15.4. Property is approximately 30,000 sq. ft.; located at 2810 Wilson Blvd. (RPC# 18-010-016). Applicable Policies: GLUP “Low” Office-Apartment-Hotel, and East Clarendon Special Coordinated Mixed-Use District (Note 3); Clarendon Sector Plan.

SP409-U-22-1 The Gardner School for a child care center for up to 186 children in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.12 & §15.4. Property is approximately 41,460 sq. ft.; located at 1776 Wilson Blvd. (RPC# 17-010-195). Applicable Policies: GLUP “Medium” Office-Apartment-Hotel; Arlington County Retail Plan.

U-3624-22-1 Sarah Aitken, Montessori School for a use permit for a private school for up to 60 children in the R-10 zoning district under ACZO §5.3 §15.4.  Property is approximately 125,971.11 sq. ft.; located at 2666 Military Road. (RPC# 05-001-031).  Applicable Policies: “Low” Residential.

U-3314-11-2 Ballston Business Improvement District (BID) for an open-air market (Ballston Farmers Market at Welburn Square) in the C-O-A zoning district under ACZO §7.14 §15.4. Property is approximately 76,830 sq. ft. (3,750 sq. ft. used for open-air market purposes); located at 901 & 909 N. Taylor St. (RPC# 14-050-031, -009). Applicable Policies: GLUP “Public”; Coordinated Mixed-Use Development District (GLUP Note #6); Ballston Sector Plan.


SP193-U-18-1 FC Ballston Common LLC for an outdoor café located in a public easement (Compass Coffee) in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.12 & §15.4.  Property is approximately 585,079 sq. ft.; located at 4100 & 4238 Wilson Blvd. (RPC# 14-059-046 & -047). Applicable Policies: GLUP: “Medium” Office-Apartment-Hotel; Ballston Sector Plan.

SP193-U-18-2 FC Ballston Common LLC for an outdoor café located in a public easement (South Block) in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.12 & §15.4.  Property is approximately 585,079 sq. ft.; located at 4100 & 4238 Wilson Blvd. (RPC# 14-059-046 & -047). Applicable Policies: GLUP: “Medium” Office-Apartment-Hotel; Ballston Sector Plan.

SP193-U-18-4 FC Ballston Common LLC for an outdoor café located in a public easement (Union Kitchen) in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.12 & §15.4.  Property is approximately 585,079 sq. ft.; located at 4100 & 4238 Wilson Blvd. (RPC# 14-059-046 & -047). Applicable Policies: GLUP: “Medium” Office-Apartment-Hotel; Ballston Sector Plan.

SP193-U-18-5 FC Ballston Common LLC for an outdoor café located in a public easement (Bartaco) in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.12 & §15.4.  Property is approximately 585,079 sq. ft.; located at 4100 & 4238 Wilson Blvd. (RPC# 14-059-046 & -047). Applicable Policies: GLUP “Medium” Office-Apartment-Hotel; Ballston Sector Plan.


U-3309-11-1 Oscar Amaya for live entertainment and dancing in the C-2 zoning district under ACZO § §7.17 & §15.4.  Property is approximately 17,423 sq. ft.; located at 3709 Columbia Pike (RPC# 23-039-031).  Applicable Policies: GLUP Service Commercial; Columbia Pike Special Revitalization District (Note #8).

U-3345-12-1 New Hope Housing for a group home (Susan’s Place) in the R2-7 zoning district under ACZO §5.9 & §15.4.  Property is approximately 6,240 sq. ft.; located at 3704 2nd St. South (RPC# 23-009-027).  Applicable Policies: GLUP Residential “Low”.

Kendra Jacobs, Clerk to the County Board

Publication dates: August 28, 2023, September 4, 11 and 18, 2023




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE COUNTY BOARD OF ARLINGTON CO., VA, on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at 3:30pm, or as soon thereafter as matters may be heard, at 2100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 307, Arlington Virginia 22201 will hold a work session for presentation and discussion of the draft Langston Boulevard Area Plan. The public is welcome to attend in person or view via livestream at, and on local cable stations Comcast 25 & 1085 and Verizon FiOS 39 & 40. Work sessions do not include time for public testimony. To share feedback with the board, write to or attend an upcoming Open Door Monday session.

Immediately following the Work Session, the Board will convene in a closed session for the purposes authorized by law.  The convocation and certification of the closed session is open to the public.  The closed meeting itself is not open to the public.

For more information, contact the County Board Office at 703-228-3130 Mon. - Fri. 8:00am - 5:00pm, or by email at Closed captioning is available on the live stream at and local cable stations Comcast 25 & 1085 and Verizon FiOS 39 & 40.

Kendra Jacobs, Clerk to the County Board




Tuesday, September 12, 2023 – West Glebe Road Bridge Ribbon Cutting

Members of the County Board will attend the West Glebe Road Bridge Ribbon Cutting on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at 2:00pm. The event will be held at 1049 W. Glebe Rd., Alexandria, VA. 22305. Although three or more board members will be in attendance and public business will be discussed, no formal votes will be taken at this event. This event is open to the public.  Contact the County Board Office at 703-228-3100 or by email at with questions.