Bike Month

WHEREAS, bicycle commuting is an effective means to improve air quality, reduce traffic congestion and conserve energy; and

WHEREAS, bicycle commuting benefits both employees and employers through better health and fitness and reduced commuting and parking costs; and

WHEREAS, Arlington County is home to an expansive bicycle network, including some of the region’s most popular bicycle trails; and

WHEREAS, Arlington has a growing population of cyclists who are actively involved in shaping county, regional, state, and national transportation and community policies; and

WHEREAS, BikeArlington celebrates “Yay! For Bike Riders” on May 1, 2018; and

WHEREAS, the National Center for Safe Routes to Schools has designated May 9, 2018 to be National Bike to School Day; and

WHEREAS, the League of American Bicyclists has declared the week of May 14-18, 2018 to be Bike to Work Week; and

WHEREAS, the National Capital Regional Transportation Planning Board proclaimed May 18, 2018 to be Bike to Work Day throughout the Washington metropolitan region, of which Arlington is a part;

NOW, THEREFORE I, Katie Cristol, Chair of the County Board of Arlington, Virginia, do hereby proclaim May 2018 as


in Arlington County, and urge all residents to support and participate in these and other activities that contribute to the health of the community and the environment.

Katie Cristol
