National Preparedness Month

WHEREAS, September 2016 is National Preparedness Month, as declared by the Department of Homeland Security; and

WHEREAS, National Preparedness Month seeks to increase public awareness about the importance of preparing for emergencies and to encourage individuals to take action; and

WHEREAS, preparedness goes beyond fire alarms, deadbolt locks, and extra food; and

WHEREAS, Arlington County’s Office of Emergency Management and the Emergency Preparedness Advisory Commission, (EPAC,) are encouraging Arlingtonians to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses and schools; and

WHEREAS, National Preparedness Month is an opportunity for all residents and employees to prepare for emergencies; and

WHEREAS, Arlington County will encourage residents to be informed about different threats, make an emergency supply kit, make a family emergency communications plan, and get involved in preparing our community; and

WHEREAS, preparedness is everyone’s responsibility;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Libby Garvey, Chair of the County Board of Arlington, Virginia, do hereby proclaim the month of September 2016 as


in Arlington County and urge all citizens to be informed, make a plan and get involved in preparedness.

Libby Garvey