National Preparedness Month

WHEREAS, September 2018 is National Preparedness Month, as declared by the Department of Homeland Security; and

WHEREAS, National Preparedness Month seeks to increase public awareness about the importance of preparing for emergencies and to encourage individuals to take action; and

WHEREAS, preparedness goes beyond fire alarms, deadbolt locks, and extra food; and

WHEREAS, Arlington County’s Office of Emergency Management and the Emergency Preparedness Advisory Commission, are encouraging Arlington residents and employees to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses and schools by being informed about different threats, preparing emergency supply kits and family emergency communications plans, and getting involved in preparing our community; and

WHEREAS, preparedness is everyone’s responsibility;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Katie Cristol, Chair of the County Board of Arlington, Virginia, do hereby proclaim the month of September 2018 as


in Arlington County and urge all citizens to be informed, make a plan and get involved in preparedness.

Katie Cristol
