Payroll Week

WHEREAS, the American Payroll Association and its more than 21,000 members pay tribute to the more than 8.2 million residents in our commonwealth and the 156 million people who work in the United States and the payroll professionals who support the American system by paying wages, reporting worker earnings and withholding federal employment taxes; and            

WHEREAS, payroll professionals in Arlington, Virginia play a key role in maintaining the economic health of Arlington, Virginia, carrying out such diverse tasks as paying into the unemployment insurance system, providing information for child support enforcement, and carrying out tax withholding, reporting and depositing; and            

WHEREAS, payroll departments collectively spend more than $15 billion annually complying with myriad federal and state wage and tax laws; and

WHEREAS, payroll professionals play an increasingly important role ensuring the economic security of American families by helping to identify noncustodial parents and making sure they comply with their child support mandates; and            

WHEREAS, payroll professionals have become increasingly proactive in educating both the business community and the public at large about the payroll tax withholding systems; and            

WHEREAS, payroll professionals meet regularly with federal and state tax officials to discuss both improving compliance with government procedures and how compliance can be achieved at less cost to both government and businesses; and            

WHEREAS, the week in which Labor Day falls has been proclaimed National Payroll Week;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mary Hughes Hynes, Chair of the Arlington County Board, do hereby proclaim the first full week of September as PAYROLL WEEK in Arlington County and encourage all to give additional support to the efforts of the people who work in Arlington, Virginia and of the payroll profession.