Naming Arlington County Offices after Ellen M. Bozman

Naming Arlington County Offices at 2100 Clarendon Boulevard after Ellen M. Bozman

WHEREAS, as a part of the leadership of the Arlington League of Voters in the 1950s, Ellen Bozman worked to defeat Virginia’s policy of massive resistance to desegregation of the public schools, and offered encouragement and support to the families of the first black children to enter a desegregated school in Arlington; and

WHEREAS, in the 1960s Ellen Bozman led a United Way study of the afterschool problems of children with working mothers and developed the pioneering Extended Day Program for Arlington elementary schools; and

WHEREAS, in the 1970s, as a member of the Planning Commission and later as a member of the Arlington County Board, Ellen Bozman helped define the long-range policy framework for redevelopment of Arlington’s metro corridors; and

WHEREAS, during her 24 years as a County Board Member (1974-1997), Ellen Bozman identified gaps in social services and promoted action to building nursing homes and establish day care programs for the frail elderly; and

WHEREAS, Ellen Bozman believed in government as an agent of progress, valued public service and public servants and believed that a primary responsibility of government is to protect and care for the most vulnerable in the community; and

WHEREAS, after leaving the County Board, Ellen Bozman continued her public service and helped found the Alliance for Housing Solutions in 2003, and served as a Trustee and as President of the Arlington Community Foundation (1998-2009); and

WHEREAS, naming the County office building in her name will honor her visionary leadership and affirm the values she epitomized of community engagement and high-quality public service for new generations of civic leaders;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Arlington, Virginia, on Saturday, November 18, 2017, that the Arlington County Offices at 2100 Clarendon Boulevard be named after

Ellen M. Bozman

Jay Fisette
