Meetings and Agendas


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     There are three different types of meetings where the public can speak openly to the Board:

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Regular and Recessed County Board Meetings 

Each month, with the exception of August, the Board meets one Saturday and one Tuesday to discuss pending County business. The Board hears public comment (items not on the agenda) on Saturday mornings and hears testimony on the regular agenda items scheduled for each respective meeting.  


Money Bag Icon

Budget and Tax Rate Public Hearings 

The County’s Fiscal Year (FY) runs July 1-June 30. In October the Board gives direction to the County Manager for the upcoming Fiscal Year budget. The following February the Board reviews the Manager’s proposed budget and has work sessions with Departments and other stakeholders including a Public Hearing for the Budget and Tax Rate. The final Budget is adopted in April.  


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Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Public Hearings 

The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is a 10-year plan that is one of the most significant planning process for Arlington County and Arlington County Public Schools. This plan identifies the capital needs of the community over a specified period of time. The CIP is a planning document that is updated biennially and subject to change as the needs of the community become more defined and individual projects move along in their planning and budgeting processes.  


Past Meetings

  • View agendas and watch videos of Board meetings from 2003 to the present. Use the search tool and filters available at the top of the page to search for specific meeting dates or types, along with links to the agenda, minutes and video for each meeting.
  • Read materials from 1999 to late 2003.
  • Browse historical meeting minutes in the Document Search Portal
  • For video access to Board meetings prior to 2003, visit the Center for Local History or the government reference collection at the Plaza Library.

Open Door Mondays

  • In addition to regularly scheduled County Board Meetings, members may bring their own issues or concerns directly to a Board Member at an Open Door Monday session.
  • Sessions occur on the first four Mondays of each month, excluding County holidays and the months of August and December
  • Sign up HERE beginning at 9 a.m. on the Tuesday before an Open Door Monday session, Registration closes at 7 p.m. on the following Monday.