Jury Questionnaire FAQs

Juror Website
Juror Hotline: 703-228-0533

1. What is the easiest way to complete the Questionnaire?

Online! By far, the easiest way to complete your questionnaire is at our secure Juror Website and it is the court’s preferred method to save resources. See your postcard or Questionnaire for login information. It only takes a few minutes to complete and submit the questionnaire.

Paper copy: While the court prefers your questionnaire online, we understand some residents may need a paper copy. If you do not have access to a computer with internet, consider asking a relative or friend with internet access to help you submit the form online. Also, our local public libraries have safe Wifi Hotspots in the parking lots of certain County facilities. If you require a paper copy of the questionnaire to be mailed to you, call the court at 703-228-3123 and leave a message with your: 1) candidate/juror ID # (printed on the Postcard); 2) first and last name; 3) street address with zip code; and 4) phone number or email address.

2. Why do I have to complete a Juror Questionnaire?

It’s the law! Virginia law requires that we randomly (done electronically) select a number of citizens (35,000) to receive the Questionnaire which then allows the court to either qualify or disqualify residents for service based upon your answers to the questions in the form. Jury duty is not only a requirement of law, it is your civic responsibility and is critical to the administration of justice in our/your community. The Questionnaire is not a summons to appear. It is a tool to qualify residents for potential service in the upcoming court year. Your answers to the questions on the form determine your qualification status.

3. How quickly must I complete and return the Juror Questionnaire?

Please complete the questionnaire and return it to the Court within 10 days of receipt. They are sent annually in the form of a postcard by US Mail to 35,000 residents of Arlington and City of Falls Church. The easiest way to comply is to complete and submit the form online at the secure Juror Website. This is the preferred method of receipt by the court.

4. What if I no longer live in Arlington County or the City of Falls Church?

If you are no longer a resident of Arlington County or the City of Falls Church you do not qualify to serve jury duty with the Arlington Circuit Court. Please visit the Juror Website, complete the questionnaire, and submit it. You will be disqualified from serving once the new address in your updated “Profile” is verified by the court. Do not call the office seeking a disqualification. Follow the above instructions.

5. I live in the City of Falls Church. Why do I have to serve with the Arlington Circuit Court?

The 17th Judicial District of Virginia includes residents of both Arlington County and the City of Falls Church. All court matters in either jurisdiction are covered under the Arlington Circuit Court.

6. What happens if I don’t respond to the Juror Questionnaire?

If you receive a postcard or questionnaire through the U.S. Mail from the Arlington Circuit Court, please complete and return the form within 10 days of the day you received the form. Failure to return a completed questionnaire online or by mail may result in you being summoned to complete the form in the Circuit Court Clerk’s office. The easiest way to complete the form is online at the secure Juror Website.

7. I lost my form and don’t have my candidate ID to enter the Juror Website?

Please email  your request to the Jury Coordinator for the Candidate ID which is specific to you so you can submit the form online. You can also request that a form be mailed to you, although the court prefers that the form be completed online on your computer, tablet, laptop or mobile device. Please note that Circuit Court personnel will never give out any personal information. You may be asked to verify information we have on file to secure your identity, but we will not give out personal information to anyone at any time.

8. How soon will I be called to serve jury duty if I am qualified?

The court year for which you qualify to serve jury duty generally begins on the first business day in January. If you are qualified to serve as a juror, you may or may not be summoned to appear for a one day/one trial term. If you want to check your qualification status, feel free to check back at the Juror Website any time after January. But remember, you do not have to check your status daily or monthly. You simply wait to see if you receive a summons in through the U.S. mail sometime next year. You may or may not have to serve. Only a random selection of those qualified will be actually sent a summons to appear for a one day/one trial term of jury duty.

9. What is the next step once I am qualified to serve as a juror?

If you were qualified to serve as a juror (check your qualification status at the Juror Website or call the Juror Hotline 703-228-0533 after the first week of December), you need do nothing further but wait to see if you receive a summons through the U.S. mail next year. You do not have to check the Website everyday or month. Simply monitor your U.S. mail to see if you receive a summons sometime next year. If you receive a summons to serve jury duty for a specific day in the year in which you were qualified, that is when you start visiting the Juror Website or Juror Hotline again. Specific instructions for determining the day you report will be in the summons.

10. I am concerned about the security of the Juror Website. Can I trust it?

Absolutely! You can only log on using the credentials found on your Questionnaire or Summons and some information only you would know. This is a secure site. The County is committed to protecting the information you provide to us from fraud and misuse. To do so, we employ both secure servers and encryption (SSL-128) in our communications over the Internet which means your information is scrambled as it travels across the Internet. We use the same technology used for online credit card transactions with the County. The vendor we work with on our Jury Management System has not had any reports of identity theft issues or any other misuse of the information.

11. The person who received the Questionnaire is not able to respond. Can I respond on their behalf?

Depends. If you are immediate family or the legal guardian or caretaker, you can respond on behalf of the person who received the questionnaire. You still must complete the form online or return it through the U.S. Mail, making certain that in the “Remarks” section you fully explain why the person cannot fill out the form and including your name and relationship with the person. This would frequently apply to away college students and incapacitated persons.

12. If one of the questions requires documentation, what type and where should it be sent?

Email , fax 703-228-7079, or mail to: Arlington Circuit Court, Attn: Jury Commissioners, 1425 N. Courthouse Rd., Suite 6700, Arlington, VA 22201.

In almost all circumstances, the Jury Commissioners need to review documentation (doctor’s note, travel documents, military orders, etc.). This information will be kept confidential and destroyed after review and determination of qualification. There are no exceptions to this rule. If the documentation is not included with your completed Questionnaire, you will instead be qualified and may be summoned to serve jury duty next year. If you will be out of the County or City for the year or a good portion, provide some form of travel documentation or a note from your boss which explains the reasons. Submit the documentation via email or through the U.S. Mail to: Arlington Circuit Court, Attn: Jury Commissioners, 1425 N. Courthouse Rd., Suite 6700, Arlington, VA 22201.