Assisted Living

About Assisted Living

Assisted living residences are non-medical residential settings that coordinate or provide personal and health care services and 24-hour supervision for four or more individuals.

  • Assisted living residences will administer medications, provide social programming, provide meals, and monitor the health, safety, and well-being of residents.
  • Assisted living is an option for individuals who need more support than independent living but do not need 24-hour medical care provided by a nursing home.
  • Assisted living residences are regulated by the Virginia Department of Social Services and receive inspections at least once per year.

Medicaid and Medicare do not pay for assisted living level care. It must be paid for with private funds and/or private long-term care insurance, although some residences accept the auxiliary grant for individuals with limited income. Some assisted living residences have special care units for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or other types of memory impairment.

In Arlington

Culpepper Garden Assisted Living
4439 N. Pershing Drive
Arlington, VA 22203
(703) 276-2317; (703) 528-0162

Brookdale Arlington
3821 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22203
(703) 294-6875
Has a memory care/secured unit

The Jefferson (CCRC)
900 N. Taylor Street
Arlington, VA 22203
703- 516-9455
Has independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing units, and a memory care/secured unit

Mary Marshall Assisted Living Residence
2000 S. 5th Street
Arlington, VA 22204
(703) 310-7200
Serves individuals with serious mental illness or intellectual and developmental disabilities

Sunrise at Bluemont Park
5920 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22205
(703) 536-1050
Has a memory care/secured unit

Sunrise of Arlington
2000 North Glebe Road
Arlington, VA 22207
(703) 524-5300

Check these resources if you are interested in long-term care residential options outside of Arlington: