Mary Marshall

Exterior Mary Marshall Assisted Living Residence provides assisted living housing for low-income seniors (55+) with serious mental illness or intellectual or developmental disabilities. It provides a warm and supportive environment that empowers residents to lead full, rewarding lives. Mary Marshall is operated by Volunteers of America with funding from Arlington County.

Services and Features

  • Spacious, attractive private rooms and baths
  • Daily activities featuring resident-directed programming and workshops, plus regular excursions and group programs.
  • State-of-the-art kitchen and attractive dining areas
  • Nursing, medication administration and health care monitoring, as well as, individualized chronic disease management and education.
  • Wellness center, library, computer room, outdoor patios.
  • Social services, case management, and transportation assistance.
  • Computer access with Internet capability.

Interior Eligibility Criteria

  • 55 years and older
  • Serious mental illness or intellectual and/or developmental disability
  • Maximum annual gross income level (individual) of $37,644.
  • Qualified for assisted living level of care through a formal assessment process
  • Continent or able to manage own incontinence needs with minimal staff assistance
  • No incidents of presenting an imminent physical threat or danger to self or others or  active alcohol/substance abuse that is deemed detrimental, within the past 6 months
  • Have a case manger with Arlington Department of Human Services (DHS)

Dining room Location

2000 5th St, South
Arlington, VA 22204
Tel: 571-527-5000
Director: Divina Alston

For More Information