Personal Care/In-Home Services

This program provides services that enable individuals to remain at home safely for as long as possible or return home after a
hospitalization or skilled facility.  Services are typically provided Monday through Friday, although special accommodations can sometimes be made . All services are provided by trained staff through the County or a home care agency contracted by the County. Services include:

  • Bathing/personal care/using the bathroom
  • Physical assistance with getting from bed to chair
  • Eating reminders/assistance
  • Medication reminders
  • Meal preparation
  • Laundry/light housekeeping
  • Assistance with grocery shopping
  • Healthcare escorts

Who is eligible?

  • 60 and over or adults who have physical or cognitive disabilities
  • Have a physical or cognitive disability that makes it difficult for them to complete home and self-care tasks.
  • Home bound or cannot leave their home independently

What is the cost?

  • Sliding scale fee based on monthly income and medical expenses
  • Program services are not covered by Medicare, Medicaid or other health insurance.

How do you apply?

  1. Call 703-228-1700 to set up an appointment.
  2. A social worker will visit you in your home and help you complete the application form. The application asks questions about your health, ability to get around, and other areas that will help determine if you are eligible.
  3. Once approved, you will work with the social worker and the home care agency to set up a schedule for services.

Contact Us

  • Call 703-228-1700 (703-228-1788 TTY) or  email us to learn more about these services.
  • Visit the Customer Service Center from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on business days. Meet with an intake worker for an initial assessment of your needs.