Adult Social Services

About Adult Services

Adult Services are provided to impaired adults age 18 or older, and to their families when appropriate. Services are designed to allow the individual to remain in the least restrictive setting and function as independently as possible by establishing or strengthening appropriate family and social support systems, or by supporting the individual’s self-determination. Services may include:

  • Case management
  • Home-based care
  • Access to transportation
  • Adult day services
  • Nutrition services
  • If staying at home is no longer possible, social workers assist clients with finding the most independent setting that meets their needs.

The Philosophy of Adult Services

Adult Services adheres to these principles:

  • The worker is an advocate for the adult.
  • The adult is the focus of service delivery, and the worker shall preserve and protect the adult’s right to self-determination even when there is a community or family request to intervene.
  • The least restrictive and least intrusive intervention necessary to stabilize the situation is the most appropriate.
  • The adult has the right to make decisions on his or her own behalf until he or she delegates that responsibility voluntarily or the court grants that responsibility to another individual.
  • A family-based approach to service delivery enhances services which support and strengthen the adult’s informal support system.
  • Coordination and combination of formal and informal support systems provide the most effective delivery system.

Contact Us

  • Call 703-228-1700 (703-228-1788 TTY) or email us to learn more about these services.
  • Visit the Customer Service Center from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. on business days. Meet with an intake worker for an initial assessment of your needs.