Aspire: Coordinated Specialty Care for First Episode Psychosis (FEP)


Does this sound like someone you know?

  • Withdrawing from family or friends
  • Decreased energy or lack of motivation contributing to a decline
    in academic, vocational, and/or social functioning
  • Unusual behaviors, speech, thoughts, or ideas
  • Difficulty organizing thoughts, or speaking in a manner that is
    challenging to understand
  • Endorsing seeing things or hearing noises others do not
  • Increasing conflict with loved ones

Arlington’s New Aspire Program is Here to Help!

  • Aspire is a multi-disciplinary team that works collaboratively with individuals and their loved ones toward achieving personalized goals. 
  • Aspire provides individualized services to assist with strengthening personal relationships, developing independent livings skills, improving overall quality of life, and achieving educational and employment aspirations.

Who Can Participate?

  • Arlington County residents between the ages of 16 and 30 who began experiencing symptoms of psychosis within the last two years.

What Services are Available through Aspire?

  • Individual Therapy
  • Medication Management
  • Individual Resiliency Training (Skill Building)
  • Case Management
  • Family Support and Education
  • Supported Employment and Education
  • Peer Support
  • Primary Care Collaboration
  • EDGE Independent Living Skills Program 

aspire care graphic.png What is Coordinated Specialty Care?

Team members work collaboratively with individuals to identify personal aspirations and achieve individualized goals. Individuals and their support networks are encouraged to make treatment decisions together while considering all perspectives.

Case Management

  • Linkage with community resources to support basic needs (i.e., financial assistance, housing, transportation, healthcare, etc.)
  • Close coordination among Aspire team members to ensure continuity of care
Peer Support
  • Share personal stories of challenges and successes to serve as a real-life model that recovery is possible
  • Engage individuals in wellness-supporting activities, such as skill-building, mindfulness, acceptance, self-compassion, daily living, and social skills
Family Support & Education
  • Help families build the knowledge base and confidence to effectively support their loved one
  • Assist individuals and their families to communicate effectively regarding different perspectives and expectations
  • Strengths based cognitive-behavioral oriented strategies
  • Flexible approaches taking personal preferences into account
  • Education on strategies for coping with distressing experiences
Medication Management
  • Proper medication can optimize recovery and provide individuals with the support they need to pursue their goals
  • Medication is typically prescribed at low doses while monitoring for side effects and metabolic issues
Supported Education & Employment
  • Assist individuals in career exploration, resume writing, and applying for jobs or educational opportunities
  • Liaison between individuals and outside educators or employers to support success in work or school
  • Employment and educational opportunities are identified based on individualized aspirations and future goals