What is the federal public health emergency and how does it affect Medicaid members?
The federal government declared a public health emergency when the COVID-19 pandemic began. Since then, state agencies have continued health care coverage for all medical assistance programs, even for people who are no longer eligible.
When will normal Medicaid processes begin again?
- States will have 12 months to make sure Medicaid members are still eligible for coverage. We will not cancel or reduce coverage for our members without asking them for updated information. Renewal applications will be mailed by the Department of Medical Assistance (DMAS) beginning April 1, 2023.
What if members lose their coverage?
We want all eligible Virginians to get and stay covered. If a member no longer qualifies for health coverage from Virginia Medicaid, they will get:
- Notice of when the Medicaid coverage will end,
- Information on how to file an appeal if the member thinks our decision was incorrect, and
- A referral to the Federal Marketplace and information about buying other health care coverage.
Virginians who do not qualify for Virginia Medicaid can buy health insurance through Enroll Virginia. Enroll Virginia has offices in communities across the state to helping Virginians get high quality, affordable health coverage. You can sign up for insurance on the Federal Marketplace on HealthCare.gov:
- Within 60 days after losing health coverage or
- Anytime during the annual open enrollment period from November 1 through January 15
Virginians who do not qualify for health coverage from Medicaid may be able to get financial help to lower the cost of private health insurance through HealthCare.gov. The amount of financial help is based on the cost of insurance where the applicants live, how many people are in their household, and their estimated yearly income.
Learn more at enrollva.org or 888-392-5132
What can members do now?
Members can:
- Update their contact information by calling Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 or online at commonhelp.virginia.gov. We must have current contact information on file, such as a mailing address and phone number(s), so members receive important notices and so we can reach out if we need more information.
- Watch for and respond quickly to notices about their coverage.
- Sign up for email and text updates, follow us on social media and visit us at coverva.org and facebook.com/coverva/
What are the other health care coverage choices?
Virginians who do not qualify for Virginia Medicaid can buy health insurance through Enroll Virginia. Enroll Virginia has offices in communities across the state to helping Virginians get high quality, affordable health coverage. You can sign up for insurance on the Federal Marketplace on HealthCare.gov:
- Within 60 days after losing health coverage or
- Anytime during the annual open enrollment period from November 1 through January 15
Virginians who do not qualify for health coverage from Medicaid may be able to get financial help to lower the cost of private health insurance through HealthCare.gov. The amount of financial help is based on the cost of insurance where the applicants live, how many people are in their household, and their estimated yearly income.
Learn more at enrollva.org or 888-392-5132:
- Get help from trained assisters, called navigators, to sign up for health coverage online or in person.
- Compare plans and cost with an easy, anonymous online tool
- Find out how much financial help you may qualify to receive
- Get enrolled!
How can I get more information?
Virginia Medicaid will keep members up to date through coverva.org, commonhelp.virginia.gov., emails, text messages and social media.
Where can I send questions or share my views?
Members can reach us at covervirginia@dmas.virginia.gov.
We will also give our partners policy and operational information through our Bi-Monthly Stakeholder Meeting, at dmas.virginia.gov/covid-19-response/ and through our Partner Points newsletter.