Rental Services We provide info and resources to help low-income individuals and families find affordable housing in Arlington – including grants and vouchers to cover a portion of monthly rent payments, a listing of affordable units throughout the County, and more.
Food Assistance & Free Food Resources Browse a variety of food assistance programs and food banks in Arlington County. If you need assistance getting food, call 703-228-1300.
Community Outreach Program These neighborhood educational programs and services promote self-sufficiency and community belonging.
Crisis / Emergency Assistance Emergency assistance with rent, mortgage, utilities, medical or clothing expenses. Provides assistance with rent, mortgage, utility, medical or clothing expenses.
Homelessness Arlington’s homelessness continuum of care works to ensure that no individual or family lack access to decent, affordable housing.
Medicaid for Persons Who are Elderly and Disabled Provides medical and prescription coverage for persons who are elderly and disabled.