Fire Station 9 Meeting Room Policy

The following Station Policy has been developed to address the use of meeting space in the firehouse.

  • The meeting space at Fire Station 9 is available for use by Arlington County civic and homeowners’ associations located in Fire Station 9’s first-due area. Reservations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • The rooms may not be used for parties.
  • Use of the rooms by for-profit ventures of any kind is not allowed.
  • Use of the meeting rooms for fire department business will be given priority over other uses.
  • Use of the facilities for emergency purposes (e.g., command center, personnel staging area, or protective shelter for victims of natural disaster) takes precedence over all other uses regardless of any prior reservations.
  • To reserve a meeting space, reservations must be made five days in advance by completing and returning a meeting room reservation agreement.
  • The use of the room is limited to three hours per event between the hours of 9:00 am and 10:00 pm.
  • Groups or individuals may reserve a room up to two times per month.  Any additional requests for meeting room space by the same group will be considered on a case-by-case basis and is subject to availability.
  • Upon arrival, a representative of the reserving party must check in with station personnel so that their presence may be documented in the station log book.  Similarly, the reserving party must make a reasonable effort to check out with station personnel upon departure. The on-duty station officer is to conduct a visual inspection of the room to ensure cleanliness and note any damage.
  • There is limited, non-reserved parking available on fire department property.  Additional parking is available on the adjoining streets. Visitors to the station may not park in front of or block the apparatus bays or park in such a manner as to impede fire department vehicles from responding to or returning from emergencies. Vehicles illegally parked may be subject to ticketing and/or towing at the owner’s risk and expense.
  • Chairs and tables are available for use, but it is the responsibility of the reserving group to set up and break down the room according to its needs.
  • Users must understand that there is no custodial service in the fire stations. It is the responsibility of the reserving group to clean up after use. Trash cans are provided. Please discard trash appropriately. Any trash containing food or beverage residue must be removed from the building and placed in the dumpster (located adjacent to the parking lot.)
  • No smoking or use of smokeless tobacco products is permitted in any area of the fire station.
  • Alcoholic beverages are not permitted.
  • No loud music is permitted.
  • Pets are prohibited.
  • Children must be supervised at all times on fire department property.
  • Meeting room users are prohibited from entering other areas of the fire station without a fire department escort.
  • At Fire Station 9 the downstairs meeting room is adjacent to the weight room and cardio exercise room. These rooms are for fire department use only and may be in use when the reserved space is occupied.
  • Reservations are for the meeting rooms only.  If fire department personnel are required for fire safety talks or station tours, this scheduling must be done separately with the officer of the appropriate shift. The availability of fire department personnel is subject to the working shift’s daily schedule and/or emergency calls and may change without notice.
  • Facility use may be denied or preempted without prior notice at the discretion of the station commander.
  • Failure to comply with the terms set forth in this policy may result in denial of future requests for meeting room use.
  • If any problems arise while using the meeting room, it is the responsibility of the party to notify the on-duty station officer immediately.

Meeting room reservation form