Snow Removal Ordinance


A recent weather event has concluded and deposited snow/ice accumulations of more than 6 inches. Arlington’s sidewalk snow removal ordinance requires residents and businesses to clear adjacent public sidewalks of snow and ice by 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. 


The County’s snow removal ordinance requires all Arlington property owners to clear snow and ice from public sidewalks adjacent to their property within a designated time period. The ordinance also prohibits transferring or depositing snow and ice from private property onto public property. Individual homeowners who are physically incapable of complying with the Ordinance are exempt (read about exemptions, below).

Focus on Safety, Accessibility

Providing clear, safe roadways and pedestrian routes ensures access to jobs, schools and services in our walkable community. The snow removal ordinance helps ensure safe access for pedestrians and to make all transportation modes available as soon as possible after a snow storm.

Ordinance Specifics for Residents and Business Owners

  • Snow and ice removal – All property owners are required to remove snow and ice from public sidewalks adjacent to their property:
    • Must be removed from the entire width of the sidewalk up to 3 feet wide (to accommodate wheelchairs, strollers, and adults with children in hand).
    • Must be removed within 24 hours after the snow stops falling when accumulations are less than 6 inches, and within 36 hours when 6 or more inches of snow accumulate (as measured at National Airport, per National Weather Service). If another snow event occurs, the clock will reset to the end of the most recent snowfall. We will post the official snow ending time on this webpage.
    • Noncompliance could result in a civil penalty of $50 for sidewalks less than 200 linear feet in length, or $100 for sidewalks longer than 200 feet.
    • The County mayremove the snow or ice on sidewalks around private property when the owner fails to comply within the designated time period, and charge the cost to the owner.
  • Depositing snow and ice on streets or sidewalks: Private owners may not deposit snow or ice from private property onto public property, including streets & sidewalks. Such action may result in a class 4 (criminal) misdemeanor and fine of $250.
  • The County is responsible for clearing sidewalks bordering County government-owned property. Read about the County’s snowfighting efforts.
  • Commercial property owners are expected to comply with the Ordinance. Snow clearing should be part of basic business operating plans.


Even though some individuals are exempt from the Ordinance, it’s our hope that everyone will do the best they can to clear sidewalks, keeping our community safe and walkable.

  • Individual homeowners who are physically incapable of complying with the ordinance are exempt.
    • The County will not pre-qualify or maintain lists of exempt individuals.
    • Prior to issuing citations, County staff will make every effort to contact owners to determine if they are exempt.
    • In the unlikely event that you receive a citation (and you’re exempt), provide information about your exemption.
  • If snow/ice is redeposited on your cleared sidewalk as a result of government action (e.g., snowplowing), you will be exempt from the ordinance. However, it’s our hope that everyone will do what they can to re-clear sidewalks to ensure our community is safe and walkable.


Supporting and Enforcing the Ordinance

  • The intent of the ordinance is to identify locations and situations that pose a public safety hazard and to encourage voluntary compliance with snow and ice removal requirements.
  • The Arlington County Manager has the authority to suspend enforcement of the ordinance based on weather conditions.
  • See details in the Snow Ordinance Implementation Plan.

Volunteer to Help Your Neighbors

Tips and Requests

  • During severe winter weather, stay off the roadways if possible. Read our Winter Weather Preparation and Safety Tips.
  • Snowplows must navigate many narrow streets. Residents should avoid parking on the street to allow snowplows to clear the street from curb-to-curb. Cars that remain on the street may be plowed in or damaged by a skidding vehicle.
  • Keep fire hydrants clear of snow, visible and accessible in the event of an emergency.
  • Do not plow, shovel, or blow snow from your own property onto the street – this is a violation of Arlington County law and you could be fined. Pile the snow onto your own yard.