Long Bridge Aquatics & Fitness Center Repair Updates

The Long Bridge Aquatics & Fitness Center (LBAFC) is undergoing repairs and we want to make sure you stay up to date. Take a look at repair updates below and make sure to sign up at the bottom of the LBAFC webpage for the latest information. To best plan your next visit, check out the pool hours and lane schedules for the weekly schedule.

 April 20, 2024 Repair Work Update for Long Bridge Aquatics & Fitness Center

Phase 4 of repair work for the 50-meter pool area at Long Bridge Aquatics & Fitness Center (LBAFC) is finishing up this weekend. Starting Monday, April 22, the scaffolding structure will be moved back to the shallow end of the pool for dismantling. The shift back to its original position will take a few days followed by time to conduct the dismantling process. Impacts to any programs will be communicated directly to participants.  

 March 20, 2024


Repair Work at Long Bridge Aquatics & Fitness Center Moving to Phase 3 
We are happy to share that Phase 2 of repair work for the 50-meter pool area at Long Bridge Aquatics & Fitness Center (LBAFC) is nearly complete. Work on Phase 3 is anticipated to begin during the week of March 25 (see graphic). Scaffolding will be shifted to the area overnight. Impacts to any programs will be communicated directly to participants and the lane schedule will be updated to reflect what is open.
 March 11, 2024 Long Bridge Aquatics & Fitness Center Repair Updates

Crews have been hard at work addressing necessary repairs in the 50-meter pool area of the LBAFC. Take a look at the latest updates below including our move forward to Phase 2 as well as an anticipated start date for work in the leisure pool area. Repairs in the leisure pool area are anticipated to begin the week of April 8. The leisure pool will be closed through the duration of these repairs with anticipated completion by the end of June 2024. Read the full update here.

March 6, 2024  50-Meter Pool and Spa Delayed Opening on March 7
On Thursday, March 7, the 50-meter pool and spa at Long Bridge Aquatics & Fitness Center will operate on a delayed schedule for painting work. The 50-meter pool and spa will open at 12 p.m. unless otherwise stated. The rest of the facility (leisure pool, fitness center, and community rooms) will open at 5 a.m. as regularly scheduled. Please review the leisure pool hours and lane charts to plan your visit.
Feb. 29, 2024 Upcoming One Day Pool Closure Expected in Mid-March
Construction at the Long Bridge Aquatics & Fitness Center is progressing rapidly. Construction crews have completed the scaffolding work and started repairs to the pipes in the Phase 1 section (see graphic below). The next portion of the work will apply a protective sealant to the pipes. When the sealant is applied to the pipes this will require a one-day closure, or more, of the 50-meter pool and spa to allow it to dry. Read full update here
Feb. 21, 2024 Repairs at Long Bridge Aquatics & Fitness Center Are Underway
Repair work at the LBAFC is well underway with construction staging at the 50-meter pool being near completion. The scaffolding is built on a rolling track system to allow for efficient transition from one phase of work to the next. Currently, crews are working in the Phase 1 area which is the shallow end of the pool. Read full update here.
Jan. 22, 2024 Repairs at Long Bridge Aquatics & Fitness Center to Begin January 29
Starting January 29, the Long Bridge Aquatics & Fitness Center (LBAFC) will operate on an adjusted schedule to address necessary repairs in the 50-meter and leisure pool areas. All repairs, including replacement of the building’s sprinkler hose, as well as ceiling tiles that have been impacted by a leak in the sprinkler system are estimated to be complete by summer, 2024. The Department of Parks and Recreation has developed a plan to efficiently address these repairs while minimizing impacts to scheduled programming and day-to-day user experiences. Read full update here.