The CAC is advisory in nature and is comprised of voluntary members. All members live, work, attend school, or are otherwise affiliated or engaged with the Arlington community. The membership of the CAC is intended to reflect Arlington’s diverse community to allow for a wide range of lived experiences, professions, perceptions, organizational memberships, interests, geographical connections, racial and ethnic diversity, gender diversity, and expertise. Additionally, members are selected based on their integrity, commitment to the community, and their ability to act as a communication conduit within their community networks as demonstrated within their application.
The Chief of Police selects and appoints the members of the CAC. Each member serves for a minimum of two years and no longer than four years to allow for greater participation by all interested parties. The Chief of Police reserves the right to expand or decrease CAC membership to best meet the goals of the organization.
The CAC meets on the first Tuesday of each month, excluding August and December. Meetings take place from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at the Arlington County Courthouse located at 1425 N. Courthouse Road.